The Hoodie

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Ryan and I decided to grab some food and head to the park. We talked and laughed for what seemed like forever.

"Do you want kids?" Ryan asked  shoving his face with chips.

I thought about it for a minute, " perhaps in the future but not right now. Not with everything happening with the fires. " I whispered the last part. Mood suddenly changing.

He nodded his head understanding what I'm saying.

" Well when we do , you will be a great mother. I have no doubt. " He said.

" Hell I'm not worried about being a good momma. I'm perfect mom material." I said making us both laugh.

We continued with eating and having random conversations, I looked around the park casually when I noticed some guy wearing a black hoodie with a lightning bolt on the sleeve. I couldn't see his face but I recognized the hoodie. I quickly got up running to the guy , when he turned the corner. I kept running looking for where he went but I lost him. I began to panic , heart racing fast ,  sweating heavy and getting angry.
Ryan came running up behind me ,

"What the hell !? What happened diamond?" He said

" That guy ... I saw the guy.. with the hoodie .. ."  I spoke when suddenly I saw the guy walking ahead of me. I took off and again this time catching up to him. I grabbed the guys arm and turned him around causing him to fall.

I look at him for a moment realizing it wasn't him. But the guy looked familiar and so was  that damn hoodie.

" Where the fuck did you get this hoodie from !? " I yelled. Ryan grabbed me pulling me away from the guy. Quickly apologizing as the guy gets up and runs away.

" Diamond what the hell are you doing !" Ryan said

" That wasn't his damn hoodie. That was ... "

"Was what ?" He asked

" That hoodie belonged to James!" I yelled tears coming down my face. Ryan looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Let's go back. " I said wiping my face .

When we return back I am beyond angry. I go into Tony office interrupting his meeting with some of the pack,

" Put me back as fight leader." I say causing everyone to stop and look at me.

"Diamond , I'm in a meeting. " Tony says. Going back to talking.

" I think James is alive. " I blurt out. This causes Tony and Andrew to stare at me.



"Everyone is dismissed." Tony says. Everyone leaves except for Samuel, Ryan and Andrew. Once they are gone I continue.

" I'm not sure but I saw his hoodie today. The one with the lightning bolt on the sleeve. Some guy was wearing it. " I say.

Tony looks at me and sighs , " Diamond that's ____."

"Crazy." Samuel interrupts.

I turn my head to him hella fast " what do you mean by crazy ?" I asked slowly getting angry.

" He's dead diamond. Nobody survived that fire. Maybe you are not thinking straight. "He said.

Breathing slowly to calm myself down I turn my attention back to Tony.

" I recognized the guy wearing the hoodie but I couldn't figure out from where." I say



" Also I want my spot back as fight leader." I say. This causes Samuel to laugh.

"What the hell is so damn funny!?" I yell. Samuel put his hands up in surrender still having a smile on his face.

" I mean you haven't trained but for what? one day since you've been back. I've been training the pack for months now. You're not ready. "He says . Before he could think of something else to say I had my hand around his throat. Andrew stood up quickly and Ryan ran to my side.

"My father built this pack and I worked my ass off to be able to lead it... My brother and I worked hard to lead it." I said squeezing his neck harder.

" let him go diamond. " Ryan said said. I continued to stare at Samuel as his face was changing colors. Reluctantly I let go. Samuel dropped to the ground gasping for air.

" Leave Samuel. ", Tony said without looking up. Samuel looked at him then looked at me one last time before leaving.


"Diamond you know that hoodie could be anyone's. James wasn't the only one who owned a hoodie like that. " Tony said

" I know. " I whisper
"At least let me train the pack. The pack is not ready for war and you need someone to get them prepared before the next fire. " I say.

"She's got a point T. " Ryan says.

Tony looks at me ,
"Diamond you will have to challenge Samuel but the only thing is he has to agree to the challenge. You will then fight. If you win you lead. " Tony says causing a smile to appear on my face.

" But if you loose he stays diamond. And you are only to train the pack nothing else " He finishes.

" I won't." I say.
Sighing Tony nods his head to dismiss us.

I won't loose but I will find out who that guy is. I know that was his hoodie.

" You're buying me a new door by the way !" Tony yells out.

" You need to disinfect your desk by the way!" I yell back.

I make my way to the kitchen where Ryan is at.

"Where's Andrew ? " I asked looking around.

" He went to his room. " Ryan said .

" Im gonna go talk to him. " I leave Ryan and go to Andrews room.

Knock knock

" Come in . "

I walk in the room to find Andrew sitting on the floor looking out the window. I walk in and sit down next to him quietly. We spoke no words. I figured he didn't want to talk. James and him were super close. Closer than  me and Andrew are. He was friends with James first, they did everything together. Alot is happening and it's alot to process. So instead of talking I reached behind me pulled his blanket off his bed and wrapped it around the two of us.

"I'll help you find him diamond." Andrew whispered before darkness consumed me.

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