Date with the Mate

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"ughhg I have nothing to wear! We gotta go shopping or something. There is absolutely nothing in this damn closet! " I yelled.

"Well if you would stop throwing stuff maybe you can put something together. Besides you just went shopping. Look at all these clothes." Andrew said

Andrew was currently in my room "helping" me find something to wear. But I just think he wanted to have an excuse to get out of training today.

"Aren't you supposed to be with the rest of the pack ?" I asked

"No I'm in here being or assistance so no I'm not. I don't know why you are stressing about what to wear. Ryan doesn't care what you have on diamond."

"Well that might be true but I still would like to look nice for him." I plop on my bed sighing from exhaustion. "Well I guess I'm going naked."

Andrew laughs and stands up walking towards my closet. " I'm sure that's not necessary. There's something in here let's see ...  Aha look what about this?"

He pulls out a olive green dress that was not too formal and not too casual.
"Perfect. I guess you are useful after all. " I say taking the dress from him.

" Now if you don't mind leaving. I would be very happy. " He rolled his eyes at but got up and walked to the door.

" Have fun, bring me back some nephews! " He yelled before closing the door. I laugh at his comment and check the time. It's almost 2 pm, which means training is over and the pups are in class now. So I have time to take a nap, before we go out.

4 hours later

I hear a knock at the door but not wanting to get up I roll over and wait for whoever it is to go away. However the knocking continues. Groaning I get out of bed and open the door.

"Hey Stacy. What's up ?"

" I'm sorry I didn't want to wake you but Andrew said you were going on a date tonight and it's almost 7pm."

My eyes shoot open. I didn't realize I was it was already late. I must have been tired tired.

" Wow okay yeah . Uh have you seen Ryan ? "

" Yeah a few minutes ago he was heading to his room to shower."

"Okay. Alright thank you for waking me up. "

"No problem. Have fun tonight. Tell me all about it when you get back !" With that she walked away from the door. I laughed a little before walking out of my room. I didn't tell Ryan what time so I guess now would be the perfect time. I walk around the pack house looking for Ryan's room. I start to smell something sweet as I approach a room. Mate. Well I guess this is his.
I knock on the door and wait for a response. Ryan yells from the other side of the door "coming".
He opens the door with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair is wet , the water is trickling down his abs.

"Hey Diamond."

Clearing my throat and shaking my head I speak up.
" Hey I came by to tell you to be ready by 8." I say

He chuckles "yes ma'am."

" Don't be late !" I say before turning around to head back to my room.
Now it's time for me to get ready!

The clock strikes 7:55pm as I walk out of my room. I head towards the living room to see Ryan already sitting on the couch. Feeling my presence he gets up and walks to me.

" You look stunning." He says causing me to smile.

", Thank you. You look very handsome."

He was wearing a white dress shirt with blue jeans.

" Oh why thank you for that. ," He grabs my hand and we walk outside to my car.

"So any chance your gonna tell me where we are going ?" Ryan ask.

" A nice restaurant in town that i think you will love." I respond

"Well alright.", He says.

The car ride was silent for a moment before I spoke.

" So I have a question. Just out of curiosity you can choose to answer it. "

" Shoot " he says.

" Is it true that you had a crush on me when we were younger ? "

I turn my head to look at him for a second before putting my eyes back on the road. He laughed.

" Who told you that ? "

"Who do you think ?" I said

He groaned " Tony. " I'm gonna kill him.

" It's fine. I mean we ended up being mates anyways. I just had no idea." I said

" Yeah because you were always training diamond." He said with a sad tone. " And the times that you weren't , we all hung out together.

Damn now I feel bad

We pull up to the restaurant and park. I look over at him and pecked his lips"well at least you have me now." He sat there in surprise.  Before smirking.
" That I do." He said.

3 hours later

"I don't think I've ever eaten this much." Ryan said.

We were supposed to leave about an hour ago but we just got caught up in eating and talking.

" Yes you have when you were little that's why you were a chubby baby ." I laughed

" That's not funny." Ryan said. " You weren't exactly princess tiara yourself. "

I place a hand over my heart
" how dare you. I was going through a phase. But you seemed to like me either way. "
We both laughed " yeah I did."

We arrived back at the pack house, and walked inside .

" So on a scale 1-10 how much did you enjoy yourself?" I asked as we walked up to the rooms.

"Well I would have to say an 11. " He said grabbing my hand, causing me to spin around and face him.

"But I didn't give that as an option. " I said laughing.

He grabbed my face with both his hands. " I know ." He whispered. Then he kissed me. Not like that peck I gave him in the car but a hungry kiss. He traces my mouth with his tongue deciding not to ruin the moment by teasing him I complied opened my mouth and let his tongue dominant me. We kissed as my back hit a wall.
" Jump" Ryan said . I do as told , he grabbed my ass, holding me up and reaching for his room door. Not breaking the kiss at all he sits down on the bed with me now straddling his waist, grinding into him and pulling his hair .We're like this for a few more minutes before he pulls away.
We both are looking at each other panting. " That was fucking amazing but we should probably stop before we go to far. " he said

Smiling I respond " agreed. " I stand up and fix my dress walking to the door with Ryan following me. I turn around kissing him one last time
"Goodnight. " As I turn around he slaps my ass " Goodnight" he winks causing me to laugh.
I get back to my room close the door and sigh.

"What a night ."

Her ReturnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora