questions 2

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So I'm not in pain but I'm still stuck in bed. Everyone is treating me like I'm dying. Which is obviously not the case. I don't want to stay in bed all day but there's nothing to do once I get up, i mean doc wont let me train and Ryan wont let me go see Samuel. So I am currently laying in my bed thinking , " why did his eyes turn red ? "
As I'm laying here thinking my door opens, Stacy comes in.

"Hey , how you feeling today ?"

"I'm feeling much better actually. My face feels better even though its not better. . if that makes any sense." I say.

"Ha no but its fine." She walks and sits on my bed.  " I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday. I honestly don't know how that happened."

I shake my head, " it's nothing to apologize for you didn't do anything. Plus I've been through worse. I barely felt that. " I say giving her a weak smile knowing damn well that shit hurt.

"Still, I wish I was there or something." She says. Me wanting to change the conversation ,

"So what have you been up to today? " I ask. She sighs, 

"Well I was dealing with the pups this morning and then came in here to keep you company." I nod my head. Stacy gets up to turn on a TV I never noticed before. "What you want to watch?" She ask me. 

"Nothing honestly. Look I know I'm on house arrest, but you want to at least go eat or something. I mean its not like me getting punched in the face has anything to do with my legs." 

She shakes her head, "Tony and the Doctor said for you to rest today Diamond. He will kill you if you leave the house." 

"Well sitting in here all day will kill me faster than Tony will. Plus I'm faster than him so it wouldn't be easy." I say making her laugh. "So what do you say??" 



"Oh come on Stacy. It can be a girls thing. Spend some more time together or something. I know you're Luna and everything but you can chill sometimes. Right?" 

She continues to stare at me before finally smiling. "Fine. But if we get caught it's on you." 

I jump up on the bed, " YASSS! Now let's get the hell out of here." 

35 minutes later

It was easy to get out the house because nobody was there. Everyone was in training or in a meeting. So we are currently eating at the burger spot "outta town" best place ever created. Stacy and I are just talking about everything, laughing a lot causing people to stare at us. I don't pay them much attention though. 

"So tell me some things about yourself." She asks. 

"UM. . . well what do you want to know ?" 

"Anything really" She says taking a bite out of her sandwich. 

"Well my favorite color is blue, I like to read, eat, and train. That's pretty much it." I say causing her to frown. "Oh come on you are far more interesting than that." She says. 

"Well I don't really like talking about myself much anymore." I whisper. Recognizing the change in the atmosphere  she clears her throat. " Sorry." 

"No no its fine, I just would prefer to talk about something else is all. For example maybe Samuel." I say smiling wide. She immediately shook her head.

" Absolutely not." 

"What ? I didn't say anything yet."

"You don't need to. Because we don't need to talk about him Diamond."  She says.

"Well I beg to differ. I'm the one who got punched in the face. I think I deserve some answers. Aren't you a bit curious?" I ask

Wiping her mouth, "It's not about my curiosity Diamond, although I agree with you. We still don't know what happened. " 

"His eyes were red when I grabbed his arm. It was a piercing red color, like... like anger. I was genuinely scared before I blacked out."


"Look I know everyone is confused with what happened, so am I but the only way to get answers is to ask Stacy and I'm going to see him regardless." Sighing she wipes her mouth again looking at her watch.

"Well if you're gonna do this then we need to head back now before Tony and them see you. Again if you get caught this had nothing to do with me." She says making me laugh.

Time to get some answers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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