knocked out

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Who was that guy ? Why does he looks so familiar?
So far I have nothing. I've been trying to remember him but again I got nothing. So I guess the only other thing I can worry about it becoming fight leader for the pack. I doubt Samuel wants to even talk to me after yesterday, which is fine by me because he was out of line. I still should go apologize though. I..

"What are you thinking about?" Ryan asked. My thoughts interrupted. We were currently in the training room but I had stopped to take a break.

" Alot. " I say. Ryan nods his head in understanding and sits down beside me.

"I know you want to find James but for now all you can do is prepare for fighting Samuel to get back as fight leader. So let's focus on that. " He said kissing my head. I nod my head at him ,

"I'm ready." I say standing up. Ryan looks at me confused.

" Ready for what ? " He asked

" To challenge Samuel." I say . Ryan's stared at me , "princess I have no doubt you can fight but do you think your in the shape for challenge this big, you don't want to train somemore its only been a few hours since Tony agreed to this. " He said

" I know but I don't want to wait any longer. This is what I trained for since I was young If I don't have it now then I never had it in me. " I say.

Ryan looks at me before smiling and laughing , " well then I guess the only thing left to do is find Samuel."

" Speak of the devil" I say looking behind Ryan. Samuel was ahead of us talking with one of the pack members. I walk up to them after their conversation is over but Samuel sees me and walks away.

" I challenge you!" I yell causing Samuel to stop waking and turn around slowly.

"You what ? " He asked waking closer to me.

Not backing down I step forward " I said I challenge you. I want my spot back as fight leader for the pack."

Samuel looks at me and laughs, " you really want to challenge me? I thought I told you yesterday, your not ready." He turned his back and started walking away from me again. I grabbed his arm before he could leave. When I did that he turned around, something in his eyes flashed red. And before I could process anything he punched me in my face causing me to black out.

"Stop please!" I yell " just let me go." I cried out. Adam had taken me from the cellar, I was in up to his bedroom now. This was something new, most of the time he would just beat me and come back days later to bandage me and the cycle would repeat. Today was different. I don't even remember how I got up here but I was here. Laying on his bed with him on top of me, trying to kiss me  but I kept trying to push him off of me.

"This would be alot easier if you would listen darling. " He said smiling taking hold of my face to keep me still. He leaned down to kiss me and I obliged, having no choice. But when he slipped his tounge in my mouth I bit down as hard as I could causing him to yell out and move from my mouth. I would rather be beaten than raped.

" You stupid bitch." He said caressing my face, " I was trying to be nice to you diamond. Now I'm angry." He gripped my hair and dragged me out of the bed. I screamed and tried fighting him.

"Shut up !" He came down and punched me in the face darkness took over my vision.

I woke a few hours later, I knew this because It was morning now. I felt cold, I realized I was back in the cellar and began to cry. I was never going to get out of here.

End of flashback

Ryan pov

"Is she awake yet ? " Tony asked
"No she isn't she's still knocked out. Im going to kill him ! " I said. After Samuel punched my princess I pounced on his ass in 2.5 seconds, beating the hell out of him until Andrew came and pulled me off of him. I carried diamond to my room and put her in bed. Andrew took Samuel somewhere and Tony got there and called for our pack doctor.

" I didn't see it coming Tony, it happened so fast. " I said with tears in my eyes.

"It's not your fault. Nobody saw that shit coming." He said. Just then Dr. kenny came in.

I stood up immediately greeted him and explained to him what happened.
Then he asked us to leave the room, "For what ? I asked.

"Of course. We'll be right outside the door. " Tony said grabbing my arm and shutting the door.

"Why do we have to leave. " I asked

" He can't work with negative thoughts and energy around him. He senses those around him well.. he's just always been like that. " Tony said sitting on the floor.

"My goodness! What happened?"
We looked up to see Stacy running towards us.

" Samuel lost his fucking mind is what happened. " I said.

"I just spoke to one of the wolves on the way here. Is she awake yet ? " Stacy asked

" No not yet , Dr. Kenny is in there now checking her out. " Tony said. Stacy nodded her head and sat down beside Tony. Then came Andrew ,

" Im guessing she isn't awake yet ? " He asked . I just shook my head no. Andrew sighed and at down next to me.We all sat in silence for what seemed like forever until the door opened. I shot up so fast, running to the doctor almost knocking him over.

" She's awake, her left cheek bone is fractured but she will heal from that. She needs to rest so no training for her for a while because Im a bit worried that she hasn't healed already. That's odd.. so I'll come back sometime tomorrow and check on her." Dr. Kenny said .

" Thanks doc . " I say and shake his hand.

We all walk in to see her sitting up drinking water.

"Why do you guys look like you've seen a ghost ? " She asked causing us to laugh.

" Cause you look like a ghost ugly ." Andrew said making diamond roll her eyes and making me sigh in relief

End of Ryan pov.

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