Questions 1

11 4 0

I woke up feeling dizzy and my face hurting.

"What the hell happened? " I whispered not knowing someone was in the room with me .

" You were hit in the face . " Dr. Kenny said.

"Oh." I say remembering what happened. Hit is an understatement.

"Hi Dr. Kenny. " I say smiling.

" Hello diamond. " He said laughing. Dr. Kenny has been here since I was young so we know each other pretty well. I would come running to him when I was trying to get out of training or I was in trouble with my dad. He was my dad's best friend so he would always help me out.

" Well I think you are alright. Does your face hurt at all ?' he asked reached to touch my cheek.

" Yeah a lot. I fill like I got hit with a ton of bricks. " I say.

" Hmm. " He said causing me to look at him .

" What's a "hmm"? I asked.

Sighing , " nothing bad it's just a little concerning that you haven't healed already. " He said.

" Maybe I'm a slow healer." I whispered. He looked at me with a raised brow.

" That's impossible." He said.  I sighed staring at him .

" Can I show you something?" I ask. He nods his head telling me to continue.

" This is a bit off topic and I haven't told anyone this since I've gotten back but I'm still not healed from the scars on my back. Some have gone away but the rest are still there. " I say sitting up and raising my shirt up off my back so he could see.

He walked behind me to look. Once he was done he looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

" I'm sorry diamond. " He said .
" No need to be sorry, you didn't do anything. ... what do you think is wrong ? I asked.



" I'm not exactly sure right now, that is a bit odd  It's even more strange that those scars haven't healed yet. but hopefully I can figure something out. I'll come back tomorrow to check on you. Until then you need to rest , no training or anything today. No nothing diamond" he demanded.

" Yes father . "I mocked making him roll his eyes. He began gathering his things. When he was done he sat down beside me in the bed staring at me.

" Also before you get too upset at Samuel you might want to talk to him. " He said.

I scoffed, " the bastard punch me in the face and you want me to buy him flowers ? "

" He doesn't like flowers." Dr. Kenny said , " but talk to him. Samuel isn't a bad guy , he just has issues. So before you try to kill him, talk to him."

I shook my head in understanding. " Okay I will for you. " He smiled.

"Let me get out of here, your friends probably want to see you now. I left a cup of water on the dresser for you and remember what I said, you are to do nothing. " He said walking to the door .

"Thank you. " I said

" Of course kid." He said before walking out.

Once Dr. Kenny walks out Andrew, Sasha, Tony and Ryan walk in and stare at me.

"Why do you guys look live you've seen a ghost ? " I ask making them laugh.

" Cause you look like one, ugly." Andrew said plopping down on the bed, making me roll my eyes.

" Anyways, how are you feeling ?" Sasha ask

" I'm good. My face hurts but besides that I'm fine. Dr. Kenny said I should be ready to go in no time." I say

" He said no such thing. You missy are on room arrest. " Tony said.

" What the fuck is room arrest Tony ? " Andrew asked making me laugh. Tony pushed him, making him fall on the floor.

"Asshole." Andrew said wiping his pants off.

"Where is Samuel? " I asked.

" As of now he is in the cellar. Just until we can figure out what the hell happened" Andrew said.

" I want to talk to him ." I say

" No " Ryan said. I looked up at him as he stared me down. "Ryan__" I started

" I said no diamond." He says finalizing the debate. I sigh.

" Well at least while your on "room arrest" you won't be completely bored.  I'll be here with you until you're good to go." Sasha said giving me a hug.

I returned the hug immediately smiling , " thanks I appreciate it . But you realize I'm not dying right. It's just my cheek. "

" Yeah but you haven't healed yet and that's weird. Just stay in the room until other wise." He said patting my leg before getting up and walking towards the door. Andrew following him. "Where are you guys going ? I asked.

"You not dying and we got stuff to do goofy. " Andrew said . Making me throw a pillow at him. Unfortuntely he caught it with ease and threw it back.

"I guess it's just us three then.", I say .

" I wish it was but I got to get back to the pups honey. But I will be back in about 2 hours so I'll come hang with you then okay ? " Stacy said .

" Sounds like a plan. " I say reaching up to give her a hug. " Thank you."

" Of course. I'll be back later. " She said leaving the room.

" Well then I guess it's just you and me then. " I say. Ryan looks at me and smiles moving to lay beside me.

" Dr. Kenny said I should talk to Samuel. " I said.

" I said no diamond."

" just let me talk to him and find out what happened. I mean unless anybody has an explanation for this. " I said looking up at him .


Sighing, " fine. Just not today. You need rest. " He said leaning down to kiss me.

Pulling away , "what if I don't want to rest ?" I say with a mischievous grin.

Ryan looks a bit taken back but recovers quickly. A smirk playing on his face now , " that would be nice but you would need to be fully recovered for that babe. " He said winking at me. This made me laugh.

"Only my face hurts though. " I say.
"Sshhhh. Go to sleep princess."

Ryan says pulling the covers over me.

As I drifted off to sleep all I could think about was what I was going to say to Samuel when I wake up. So many damn questions...

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