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-sorry I posted this 2 days late:)


A few seconds go by and the boy approaches us.
Anthony: Hey Chase.
Chase: Hey Anthony.
*End Of Recap*

I look at Chase
Joe: You know him?
Chase: Yeah. That's why it's even more funny.
Audrey: I hate you so fucking much right now Chase.

Chase laughs, we get up to the register and start paying for our snacks while Anthony and Chase are talking still. When we finish paying we go to walk out the doors.
Anthony: Hey uh before you leave do you think I could maybe get your number?
Audrey: Sure.

Anthony smiles at me and I smile back at him, he grabs his phone out of his pocket. He hands me his phone and I start putting my number in it.
Audrey: Also sorry I threw that bag of chips at you.
Anthony: It's okay. *laughs*
Joe: I'd hurry up. Michael is coming inside.

I quickly press save contact and hand Anthony's phone back to him, Michael walks inside.
Michael: Cmon. We need to get going.
Audrey: Okay. Bye. Anthony.
Anthony: Bye.

I turn around and me, Joe and Chase follow Michael out of the gas station, we all get in the truck and buckle back in. Michael starts the truck and starts driving again.
Michael: If we have to stop again and you guys get out you can not goof around in the store. We have a thirty hour drive and I don't want to get to the hotel too late tonight.
Audrey: Where are we staying tonight?
Michael: We're staying in Utah tonight then tomorrow night we might stay in South Dakota.

About 2 days have gone by and we're almost to mom and dads house, I look at my phone and see that it's 9 pm.
Audrey: Hey Michael?
Michael: What?
Audrey: When will we be to mom and dads?
Michael: Probably within the next few hours.
Audrey: Okay.

A few minutes go by and I lay my head back and fall asleep.

-Michael's POV-
I look at my radio system and see that it's 2 am, I pull into mom and dads driveway. I turn the car off and yawn, I look over and Crystal and wake her up.
Crystal: *Yawns* What?
Michael: We're at my mom and dads.
Crystal: Oh okay.

She stretches and I turn the lights on in the car, I turn around and see Audrey's head laying on Joe's shoulder and his head is laying on top of hers. I put my hand on his knee and starts lightly hitting it and shaking his leg.

-Joe's POV-
I get woken up to Michael hitting and shaking my knee.
Michael: We're here bud.
Joe: Okay. *yawns*

Michael turns around and takes the key out of the ignition, him and Crystal get out and open the trunk. They start grabbing suitcases out of it, I wake Chase and Audrey up.
Audrey: Joe what the hell do you want? *yawns*
Joe: We're at your moms.
Audrey: Oh.

Chase gets out of the truck, I unbuckle myself along with Audrey.
Audrey: Will you carry me? I don't want to walk.
Joe: *Laughs* Yeah.

Audrey smiles at me and lifts her head up off of my shoulder, I get out of the truck and put my phone in my back pocket along with Audrey's phone. She moves over to the seat I was sitting on, I turn around and back up to the truck. Audrey gets on my back.

-Audrey's POV-
I wrap my legs around Joe's waist and my arms around his chest, I lay my head on his shoulder. He shuts the truck door and grabs my legs.
Michael: Are you guys ready?
Joe: Yeah.

Joe starts walking to the door with everyone following, Michael moves and gets in front of us. He opens the front door and we walk inside, Michael walks to the living room and sets the luggage down. He takes the couch cushions off of the couch and and pulls out the foldable bed thing. Joe takes his shoes off along with Chase and Crystal, Michael finishes what he's doing a few minutes later.
Michael: You three just sleep on this tonight. You can settle into your rooms tomorrow.
Chase: Okay.
Michael: Me and Crystal are going to bed. We will see you guys in the morning.
Chase: Okay.

Michael and Crystal walk down the hall to one of the guest bedrooms, Chase lays down on the bed. Joe turns around and lets go of me and I get on the bed, I get in the middle again and close my eyes. I feel my shoes get taken off of my feet then the other side of the couch bed thing sinks down, we pull the blankets over us and we all fall asleep. I wake up the next morning around 10 am, I sit up on the bed and look to my left and right. I don't see Joe or Chase, I yawn and stretch and get off of the bed. I walk to the kitchen and see Joe and Chase sitting at the table eating waffles.
Mom: Good morning sweetie. 

I turn my head and see mom in the kitchen making waffles.
Audrey: Hi mom.

I sit down the the table by Chase and across from Joe, mom walks over to the table and sets a plate down in front of me with a waffle on it.
Audrey: Thank you.
Mom: You're welcome. How's living with Michael going?
Audrey: Good. He's too strict though.
Mom: He's just looking out for you Audrey. You're his only sibling. He's protecting you and you chose to go live with him so you know it's his house his rules.
Audrey: I know.
Mom: Well dad had to work today but when he comes home tonight we're all gonna go to dinner tonight.
Audrey: Okay.
Mom: Now I have to go into work and I really hate to have to work today but I'll be back later tonight.
Audrey: Okay. Love you.
Mom: I love you too.

She kisses the top of my head and grabs her stuff and leaves.

Word Count - 1024

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