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-sorry I posted this a day late:)


audrey: you know i can't. if my parents see me not in my room in the morning and then sees us in the same bed we're gonna get in trouble.
*end of recap*

joe: please?
audrey: no. we'll get in trouble joe.
joe: fine.

he takes his arms away from me, i get off of the bed and he puckers his lips.
audrey: what are you doing?
joe: kiss.
audrey: no.
joe: audrey why not?
audrey: because you're sending mixed signals still and i'm confused. think about what you wanna do then let me know.

i walk out of his room shutting the door behind me, i walk down the hall to my room. i open my door and lay on my bed, i pull the covers over me and fall asleep a couple of minutes later. it's the next day around 4 pm and we're at the hotel now, we got ahold of jason so he could come stay the 2 nights with us at the hotel. mom and dad are sharing a room while me, joe, jason and chase are sharing one, mom and dad are in their room while we're in our room.
jason: so there's four of us and two beds so who's sharing a bed with who?

joe lifts his head up from his phone and looks at me in the eyes, i mouth the word "no" and roll my eyes. he mouths "yes" and i shake my head.
chase: well i want this bed so whoever else wants this bed can sleep with me.

i get onto the other bed.
audrey: i want this bed.
chase: okay so which twin is sleeping in which bed?
jason: i'm not sleeping with chase because he pushes and snores in his sleep.
joe: well i'm not sleeping with him either.
chase: fine. i'll have a bed to myself and you guys can sleep with audrey.
audrey: no. that's weird. one of you guys have to sleep with chase.
joe: you sleep with chase and i'll sleep with audrey.
jason: no. i'm not sharing a bed with chase. i'm not trying to get pushed off of the bed in the middle of the night.
joe: jason you're-
jason: how about one of us shares a bed with audrey tonight and the other shares a bed with chase tonight then tomorrow we'll swap.

jason sits down on the bed.
joe: fine but i get to sleep with audrey tonight and you get chase tonight.
jason: dude i'm already on the bed.
audrey: you guys don't need to fight about something so stupid. i'll go share a bed with chase if it will make you guys stop fighting about it.
joe: no.
chase: okay well someone has to share a bed with me.
joe: jason can i talk to you in private?
jason: *laughs* oh my god are you serious joe.
joe: yeah.

jason laughs again and rolls his eyes, he stands up off of the bed and they walk out of the hotel room. me and chase start laughing.

-joe's p.o.v-
me and jason walk out of the hotel room.
joe: why can't you just share a bed with chase?
jason: why can't you?
joe: because i want to sleep with audrey.
jason: okay and?
joe: so then you need to share a bed with chase so i can share a bed with audrey.
jason: why? so you guys can have sex again?
joe: shut up. that's not why.
jason: then why? do you like her?
joe: no.
jason: then why do you want to sleep with her?
joe: jason-
jason: joe shut up. this is the first time we've seen each other in a couple of months and the first thing you want to do is fight over who shares a bed with one of our best friends of like ten or eleven years.
joe: you don't like have a crush on her do you?

jason rolls his eyes again.
jason: even if i did it wouldn't be your business anyways.
joe: just let me sleep with her tonight and then tomorrow night you can share the bed with her and i'll share a bed with chase tomorrow night.
jason: will it make you shut up if i let you share a bed with her tonight?
joe: yes.
jason: okay well i'll share a bed with chase tonight and then tomorrow night you share a bed with him.
joe: okay.

-audrey's p.o.v-
jason walks back into the room with joe following him.
jason: joe won't shut up about it so chase i'll share the bed with you tonight and joe will share a bed with audrey tonight and then tomorrow night we'll swap.

joe looks at me and i roll my eyes, he smirks.
chase: okay.

a couple of hours have gone by and we're walking back up to our room from swimming, jason and chase are walking in front of me and joe. joe slaps my butt, i turn around and look at him. he smirks again and i wrap my towel around me more and we walk back into the room, joe shuts the door behind us and grabs my butt. he squeezes it, i turn around again and look at him.
audrey: knock it off joesph.

i walk over to my small overnight bag.
chase: *laughs* shit, what did you do to make her call you joesph?

jason laughs and i grab my bag, i walk into the bathroom and shut and lock the door behind me. i take my swimming suit off and start changing into my pajamas, when i finish i brush my hair and put it into a messy bun. i unlock the door and walk out of the bathroom, i set my bag down and see jason and chase in one bed and joe in the other. i grab my hoodie and put it on, i walk over to the bed and lay down next to joe. i grab my phone and start playing on it.

word count - 1,016

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