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-sorry I posted this 3 days late:)


She kisses the top of my head and grabs her stuff and leaves.
*End Of Recap*

I start eating my waffle, a few minutes later I hear a phone go off.
Chase: Who's phone is that?
Joe: I don't know.
Audrey: Have you guys seen my phone? Now that I think of it I don't know where it is.
Joe: I think it's on the bed couch thing in the living room.
Audrey: Okay.

I stand up and walk over to the bed, I move the sheets around and finally find it. I grab it and walk back to the table.
Chase: It was my phone that was going off. I don't want you guys to feel left out or anything but I have a friend that is at the mall right now and I was gonna go hangout with him.
Audrey: I don't care. I want to stay here for the day. When you guys come with me I don't expect you to stay here. *laughs*
Chase: *Laughs* I know. I'm gonna go get ready then Uber to the mall.
Joe: Okay.

Chase stands up and puts his plate and fork in the dishwasher and walks over to his suitcase, he grabs it and walks to the bathroom and starts getting ready. I stand up along with Joe and we walk over to the kitchen. We put our dishes in the dishwasher and walk out to the living room, we start fixing the couch. 30 minutes go by and Chase has left already, I'm in my room putting my stuff away. I grab a pair of shorts and an oversized shirt and get changed since I plan on being lazy all day. There's a knock on my door.
Audrey: Come in.

My door opens and closes and I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, I turn around and see Joe. I push his arms off of me.
Audrey: Joe stop. Nothing is gonna happen between us. We ended things. Remember?
Joe: Okay but I wish we didn't end things. Audrey please? I know the rules that you made but I need help and no one else is here.
Audrey: We literally ended things 2 days ago and we're at my parents house.
Joe: Okay and? No one else is here.

I turn back around and roll my eyes, Joe grabs my wrist and turns me back around and starts kissing me. I hesitate for a few seconds but kiss him back, he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He leans back on my bed and lays down on his back so I'm on top of him, there's a loud bang and I instantly sit up. Joe lets out a moan, I look at Joe funny.
Joe: Before you say anything you're literally sitting on top of my dick and you just moved a little bit and when you jolted up it felt good. And that loud bang was just the suitcase falling off of your bed.
Audrey: Oh.

I lean back down and start kissing Joe again, he kisses me back. He moves his hands up to my hips, I pull away from the kiss and start kissing his neck leaving hickeys behind. A few minutes go by and I start kissing him again, it quickly turns into a heated make out session. He grabs the end of my shirt and starts lifting it up, I hear the front door shut and my name be called.
Dad: Audrey?!

I stop kissing Joe and he sits up along with me, Joe lets go of my shirt and I quickly get off of him and stand up.
Audrey: Coming!

Joe stands up and I open my bedroom door and we walk out of my bedroom, I walk to the living room with Joe following me. I see dad taking his coat off.
Dad: Uhm Joe why were you in her bedroom with her with the door closed? I know what happened a few months ago. Her older brother told me.
Joe: Oh I was just helping her unpack sir. She needed help because her suitcase zipper was stuck so I got it unstuck for her and I ended up helping her unpack.
Dad: So if you were helping my daughter unpack then you saw her undergarments?
Audrey: No he didn't see my undergarments. He went to the bathroom after helping me get my suitcase zipper unstuck and while he was going to the bathroom I unpacked my undergarments first.
Dad: Okay well explain to me why the door was closed.
Joe: It was cold in her room and she asked me to shut the door to keep the cold air in her room because she said she can only sleep when it's cold.
Dad: Okay well for now on all doors stay open unless you're in the bathroom or in your bedrooms sleeping.
Audrey: Okay.
Dad: Where's Chase at?
Audrey: He went to the mall with a friend.
Dad: Oh okay. Did mom tell you guys that we're going to dinner tonight?
Audrey: Yeah.
Dad: Okay. I'm going to go to get ready and take a shower and take a nap.
Audrey: Okay.

Dad walks away and walks towards his and moms room, I turn around and start walking back to my room. Joe starts following me back to my room, he slaps my butt. I turn around and look at him.
Audrey: *Whispers* My dad is literally home Joe. Don't do that shit when he's home.

I turn back around and we walk into my room, Joe sits on my bed and I sit down in front of my mirror. I grab my makeup and start putting it on, Joe grabs his phone and starts playing on it. 20 minutes go by.
Joe: Hey uh Audrey while you have all that makeup out; you might want to figure out how to cover up these hickeys on my neck.

Word Count - 1,006

my best friend ~ a joe waud storyWhere stories live. Discover now