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mom: you and joe have been ignoring each other since we got back from the hotel. what happened at the hotel?
*end of recap*

i roll my eyes and turn back around to face her.
audrey: nothing happened.
mom: audrey, you're my daughter. i know for a fact that something happened. so what was it? you guys aren't talking for a reason.
audrey: it's nothing.
mom: it's something, i'm not stupid. what happened there to cause you guys not to talk to each other?

i quickly think of a lie to tell her.
audrey: fine. do you really want to know?
mom: yes.
audrey: joe likes this girl and i don't like her and he asked me my opinion on her and i asked him if he wanted my honest opinion and he said yeah so i gave him my honest opinion about her and he didn't like my opinion so now he's mad and he won't talk to me. he'll get over it soon though. he always gets over things fast.
mom: okay, will you guys be okay?
audrey: if he gets over himself and his attitude yeah.
mom: okay well i just wanted to make sure you were okay.
audrey: i am.
mom: alright. i'll see you in the morning.
audrey: okay. love you.
mom: love you too.

she stands up off of my bed and walks out of my room, i continue to pack my bag. when i finish packing i set my suitcase by my bedroom door, i shut my light off and lay down on my bed. i fall asleep a couple of hours later, i wake up the next morning to someone knocking at my door. i yawn and sit up and my door opens, i look over and see joe at my door.
joe: michael is here.
audrey: okay.

he walks out of my room and i stand up, i shut my door and quickly get dressed. i put my pajamas in my suitcase and zip it back up, i grab my phone and phone charger. i walk out of my room shutting the door and light off behind me, i set my suitcase by the couch. michael walks out from the bathroom.
michael: are you guys ready?
chase: yeah.
audrey: where's crystal?
michael: in the truck sleeping. i'll take your guys' bags out and you guys say your goodbyes.
audrey: okay.

michael grabs our bags and walks out of the house, i walk over to mom with chase and joe following me. i hug them, chase and joe shake dads' hand and gives mom a hug.
chase: thanks for letting us come with and stay.
mom: of course.
dad: anytime.
joe: i had fun even though someone won't talk to me now.

joe looks at me through the corner of his eyes, i kick his leg.
audrey: you won't talk to me either. you started it joe.

he rolls his eyes and walks out of the house, me and chase say goodbye and walk out of the house. we walk over to the truck and get in, michael walks into the house.
joe: it's not my fault that i won't talk to you. you're the one who said we aren't friends anymore.
audrey: it is your fault. you're the one that was being a jerk and said rude things to me and called me rude names.
chase: it is your fault joe. you overreacted and were rude to her. if you said those things to me i would call off our friendship too.
joe: chase stay out of it. you're the one that slept with my brother audrey.
audrey: so? i can sleep with whoever i want. you can't tell me who i can and can't sleep with.
joe: but it's fucked up that you slept with me a few times and then turn around and go sleep with jason. that's my brother.
audrey: so? we're not together or anything so it shouldn't be a problem joesph.
chase: don't say anything else because when she calls you by your full name it's because you're getting her really mad and i don't want to hear you and her fight the whole time.
joe: whatever.

a few seconds go by and michael walks back out of the house and he gets in the truck, he pulls out of the driveway and starts driving. my phone dings meaning i got a text, i turn the ringer off and turn my phone on. i look who texted me and see that it's an unknown number, i click on the messsge and put my password in. i read the text.
unknown: hey.
audrey😍: hi? who is this?
unknown: this is anthony. you threw the bag of chips at my head in the gas station haha.
audrey😍: ohhh okay haha, sorry about that lol.
unknown: it's fine. sorry it took so long to message you, i had to actually gather up the courage to message you 😅
audrey😍: oh okay, it's all good😁

i press on his contact and press edit, i change his contact name.
anthony😊: so what are you doing today?
audrey😍: i'm heading back home from my parents with chase and joe.
anthony😊: oh. that's fun haha.
audrey😍: yeah haha. what are you doing today?
anthony😊: not much. i have to go do a photo shoot.
audrey😍: oh that's cool, do you have a specific theme?
anthony😊: yeah. the theme is boyfriend material😉
audrey😍: that seems like a pretty good theme😊
anthony😊: it definitely is.
anthony😊: do you want to hangout when you get back to town?
audrey😍: of course, i'll be back in about two days😁
anthony😊: okay😄

i feel someone looking over my shoulder, i turn my head and see joe.
audrey: knock it off joe.
joe: audrey is talking to a boy michael.
audrey: shut your bubble gum dumb dumb head ass up.
michael: oh my god, no one cares you two. don't fight. we have a long ride and no one wants to hear you two fight the whole way.

word count - 1,011

my best friend ~ a joe waud storyWhere stories live. Discover now