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joe: who knows how many other guys you have slept with!
*end of recap*

anthony: dude just leave. she asked you multiple times to leave.
joe: and what are you gonna do if i don't?!
audrey: stop yelling. you're going to wake michael up.
anthony: just leave already-

anthony gets interrupted by joe punching him in the face.
audrey: are you fucking kidding me joesph?!

i grab joe by his shirt.
audrey: don't you ever touch him again!

i let go of his shirt and push him down, i walk over to anthony and grab his face. i move his hand from his cheek and see a bruise starting to form.
audrey: oh my god. i'm so sorry he did that to you.
anthony: it's okay.
audrey: no it's not. you didn't even do anything to him.

joe stands up and grabs me by the arm, he yanks me away from anthony.
audrey: let go of me!
joe: why do you want to be with him anyways?!
audrey: because i like him! it's not even your business! what the hell is your problem joe?!
joe: he's an asshole! i don't want my friend dating him!
audrey: he is not an asshole and last time i checked we weren't friends!

i raise my hand up to joe's face and slap him.
joe: what the fuck?!
audrey: let me go!

anthony walks over to me and grabs my arm, he pushes joe's hand off of me and pushes joe back.
anthony: leave her alone and go home-

the front door opens and slams shut.
audrey: fuck.

i turn my head and see michael, he walks over to us.
michael: what the fuck is happening? why did i just get a call from one of the neighbors saying there was three teens fighting in the front yard?
joe: audrey started it.
audrey: i didn't start shit, you are the one that called me at two in the morning and came over when i told you to go home multiple times.
michael: what is this all about? why does anthony have a bruise on his face?
audrey: joe is freaking out because i didn't finish talking to him earlier and he punched anthony.
joe: how are you okay with her letting a boy stay the night when you know how many guys she has slept with?
michael: it's not your business but if you have to know it's because i trust anthony and i know he wouldn't do anything like that with audrey this early into their relationship.
joe: so you guys are dating?
audrey: shut up.
michael: okay well joe you need to go home. i don't know what yours and audrey's deal is but you guys can figure that out tomorrow. not in the middle of the night. go home. audrey, anthony; go back inside.

anthony lets go of my arm and we walk inside following michael.
joe: so are we not friends anymore?!
audrey: go home.

we walk inside shutting the door behind us, michael walks back upstairs to his room while me and anthony walk back to my room. i shut my bedroom door behind us and we lay back down on the bed, we get back underneath the blankets.
audrey: i'm so sorry he punched you ant.
anthony: it's okay, it didn't really hurt that bad. he's kind of weak. *laughs*

i let out a laugh.
anthony: also ant?
audrey: it's a nickname i thought of.

he laughs again and smiles at me, i smile back at him and lay my head back on his chest. he wraps his arms around me again and turns the lamp off, i fall asleep again a couple of minutes later. i wake up the next morning to anthony pulling me closer to him and my phone dinging, i yawn and open my eyes. i reach over anthony's chest and grab it, i turn it on and see some texts from joe.
joe waud😐: i know you hate me right now and i'm sorry.
joe waud😐: come outside please?

word count - 680

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