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-sorry I posted this 6 days late:)


Joe: Hey uh Audrey while you have all that makeup out; you might want to figure out how to cover up these hickeys on my neck.
*end of recap*

i turn around and look at joe, i seem examining his neck using his phone camera. i see a few hickeys on his neck, he laughs and my cheeks turn red.
audrey: *laughs* oh my god. i'm so sorry joe.
joe: *laughs* it's all good. you just need to cover them

i nod my head and quickly finish doing my makeup, when i finish i grab some stuff off of the floor and walk over to my bed. i sit across from joe and start covering up the hickeys on his neck, i finish doing that 10 minutes later.
joe: are you done?
audrey: yeah.

i take my makeup sponge away from his neck, i grab my stuff off of my bed and stand up. i walk back over to my makeup case and start putting my makeup away, another couple of hours go by and now i'm at dicks last resort in the mall of america eating dinner with chase, joe, mom and dad. i'm sitting between chase and joe while mom and dad are sitting on the other side of the table so we're facing them. the waiter gives us our drinks, he takes our order then walks away. 
mom: so how have you two been? we haven't seen you guys forever.
chase: who are you talking to?
mom: you and joe.
chase: oh. i'm doing good.
mom: that's good. are you still living with your mom and dad?
chase: no. i'm living with joe, jaden and griffin now.
mom: oh. is that better?
chase: yeah.
dad: what about you joe? how are you?
joe: i'm good.
dad: so what do you and audrey exactly have going on?
audrey: oh my god are you serious? why do we have to talk about this?
mom: because we're your parents and we want to know.
joe: we don't have anything going on. it was a one time thing and we were both under the influence which we understand wasn't okay and it was a mistake.

chase scoffs and lets out a small laugh, i look at him.
audrey: shut up chase.
chase: what? *laughs* i didn't do anything.
mom: why'd he do that?
joe: he does that sometimes. he's become more weird and random.

chase lets out a small laugh again.
dad: well since we have all three of you guys with us again minus one which is jason we decided to rent two rooms at the great wolf lodge for two nights so you guys can have fun and swim.
joe: oh that's nice. thanks.
audrey: when are we staying there?
mom: tomorrow night and the night after that.
chase: thank you.
mom: of course you guys.
dad: how is jason? does he plan on moving to california?
joe: he's good. i'm not sure. we've talked about him moving to california but nothing much more of that.
mom: does he still love here?
joe: yeah.
dad: well you guys should invite him to come stay with us for the week that you 3 are here. we will have all 4 of you guys together again like when you guys were younger.
mom: all you four did was hangout all the time and have sleepovers.
audrey: we know. we remember. and we were together all the time because we're all best friends. *laughs*

mom laughs and a couple of hours go by, right now me, chase and joe are sitting in the living room on the couch watching movies. mom and dad walk back inside from the garage.
mom: we're going to bed now you guys. we both work in the morning so we will see you guys tomorrow after we get off work.
joe: okay.
dad: love you guys.
audrey: love you too.

they walk down the hall and to their room, i stand up and start walking to my room.
chase: where are you going?
audrey: i'm going to get a blanket.
chase: oh.

i open my bedroom door and walk into my room, i turn the light on and walk over to my closet. i open my closet door. i go to grab a blanket off of the shelf but i'm too short to grab it, i walk away from my closet and over to my doorway.
audrey: can someone help me get a blanket from the shelf in my closet?

joe instantly stands up and starts walking over to me, i turn around and walk over to my closet. he walks into my room shutting the door behind him, i give him a weird look and we walks over to me. 
joe: which one did you want?
audrey: the fluffy yellow one.
joe: okay.

he reaches up and grabs my yellow blanket.
audrey: why'd you shut my door? we ended things and chase is literally out in the living room.

word count - 845

my best friend ~ a joe waud storyWhere stories live. Discover now