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-sorry I posted this 2 days late:)


he lays me down on the bed and gets on top of me.
*end of recap*

i unwrap my legs from around his waist, i pull him closer to me. i grab the hem of his swimming trunks and pull them down his legs, he kicks them off of his ankles and they hit the floor. he moves his head down to my neck and starts giving me hickeys, he grabs my swimsuit bottoms and pulls them down my legs. they fall off of my ankles and onto the floor, he pulls the blanket over us. i let out a moan as he bites down on my neck, he props himself up on his forearms. he moves his head back up and kisses me, i kiss him back, he lines up with me and pushes into me. i arch my back and let out a moan along with jason. i wrap my arms around his torso, i pull him closer to me again.
audrey: *moans* y-you can go faster.
jason: *moans* o-okay.

he picks up his pace and his thrusts start getting faster and faster, i let out some more moans. i move my arms up to his neck, i tangle my fingers in his hair and lightly pull on it. he buries his head in the crook my my neck, he bites my shoulder and i let out another moan.
audrey: *moans* j-jason.
jason: *moans* o-oh my g-god.

a couple of minutes go by and he brings his face back up to mine, he kisses me and i kiss him back. i move my hands from his head to his back, i pull him closer to me. a few more minutes pass by and i feel a knot form in the pit of my stomach.
audrey: i'm c-close. *moans*
jason: me too. *moans*

a few seconds go by and i come undone, i arch my back and roll my head back and close my eyes. i let out a loud moan along with jason, he collapses on top of me. he lays his head next to mine, he pulls out and starts panting a bit. about 4 minutes go by and i start drifting off to sleep along with jason, i fall asleep a couple of seconds later. me and jason wake up a little bit later to someone yelling, i open my eyes along with jason.
joe: what the fuck!
chase: joe calm down. go lay down. is this really what took you guys so long?

jason rolls off of me and we pull the blankets over us more.
joe: you fucked my brother?!
audrey: no.
joe: yeah you did! you're guys' clothes are off!
jason: i fucked her, she didn't fuck me joe.
chase: jason what the fuck man.
joe: same thing! audrey you just cheated!
audrey: no i didn't! we're not even together!
joe: but we had a thing going on!
audrey: no we didn't! we ended it joe!
chase: joe drop it dude. it doesn't matter.
joe: who else did you sleep with?! chase?!

i go to say something but i shut my mouth, chase looks at me and i look at him. we look back at joe.
joe: are you serious?! you really slept with all of the guys in our friend group!
audrey: shut up joe.
joe: you're such a slut!
chase: hey there is no need to call her that.
jason: she is not a slut joe.
joe: she is a slut because she sleeps with every guy she sees!
audrey: and you sleep with every girl you see!
joe: i do not! you're a whore! maybe you should go stand out on the corner that way you'll actually be making money for what you do for free!
chase: joesph! that's so rude and disrespectful!
joe: so?! it's true?! she has more sperm in her than water!
audrey: stop being so rude. you are such a jerk.
jason: lay down joe. go to bed and stop saying hurtful things to her. stop yelling too.
joe: you're gonna end up getting pregnant and not knowing who the father is audrey.
audrey: we're not friends anymore.
joe: fine by me slut.
chase: stop.

chase grabs my bag and grabs a pair of shorts and a shirt out of it, he hands me my shorts and my shirt. i throw my shirt on while he sets my bag down, he grabs jason's bag and grabs a pair of shorts out of them. he hands them to jason, i slide my shorts on underneath the blankets. jason puts his shorts on, i sit up along with jason.
chase: who is sharing a bed with who tonight?
joe: i don't know but i'm for sure not sharing a bed with the whore.
chase: knock it off, you can share a bed with me then.
joe: yeah because i wanna share a bed with someone she slept with.
chase: then you can sleep on the floor joe.

joe rolls his eyes and sets his phone down on the tv stand, he lays down on the other bed and turns around so his back is facing us. chase rolls his eyes and lays down on the bed next to joe, he turns the lamp off and i lay back down. jason lays down and i turn around so my back is facing chase and joe, jason turns his back towards me and i fall back asleep. a couple of days have gone by and we're leaving in the morning, me and joe haven't talked yet and we have been ignoring each other. i'm in my room packing my bag, there's a knock on my door. i turn around and it opens a second later, mom walks into my room and sits down on my bed. i continue to pack my bag.
mom: hunny, can i ask you something?
audrey: yeah.
mom: you and joe have been ignoring each other since we got back from the hotel. what happened at the hotel?

my best friend ~ a joe waud storyWhere stories live. Discover now