Chapter One

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'I can't deny the fact that I am unlike the others on my team. Sure, we each have very unique personalities. But each of them shared something with another. Beast Boy and Starfire loved jokes. Robin and Starfire had fighting styles. Cyborg and Beast Boy had video games, and even Robin joined in from time to time. More over, they all had each other.
My emotions make me isolate myself. The thought of any of them unleashing too much power...the thought of any of them making me lose one of my friends...I couldn't bear it. So I keep my distance. For their safety, I endure the loneliness.'
"Whatcha got there, Rae?"
My shoulders tensed at the sound of Beast Boy's voice. I calmly closed my journal, so as to not draw more attention to it.
"Nothing." I answered, raising my hood to hide my embarrassment.
"It kinda looks like something," he smirked.
He reached for the book, but I used my magic to slap his hand away.
"Duuuude!" He squealed. "That hurt."
"You shouldn't try to grab something that isn't yours."
"That doesn't mean you can hit me!"
I shrugged.
Beast Boy stood next to me, anxiety wafting about him. He was nervous about something. His emotions crashed into me, making me feel nauseated.
"Did you need something?"
"N-no!" He stuttered. "I mean, yes. I, uh...well, you see...I was just thinking...there's this book store opening, and I was hoping, you know, if you weren't busy, if you might want to go....there...with me....?"
I couldn't believe it. Was Beast Boy asking me out on a date? I could have sworn I just heard a light fixture burst down the hall.
'Yes!' Happy chimed.
'Do it!!!' Brave agreed.
'It might be fun...' Timid squeaked.
"No." I monotoned.

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