Chapter Eight

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"Yes, Gar?"

"Does this mean we're..."

Before I could answer, the familiar ring for our communicators sounded.

I flipped it open, revealing a distraught Robin on the circular screen.

"Raven, is Beast Boy with you?"

"What's up?" Beast Boy pressed closer against me so Robin could see him.

"Good, I need both of you to get over here-"

There was a loud crash in the background.


With that the screen faded to black.

"What do you think that was about?"

"There is only one way to find out."

Beast Boy and I were back at the tower in no time. We found the team gathered in the lobby, each displaying a variation of exhaustion.

"What's going on?" Beast Boy asked.

Robin and Starfire shared a worried glance. Cyborg was the first to speak.

"Y'all need to see this for yourself."

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