Chapter Two

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After pacing around my room for what felt like hours, I finally calmed down enough to meditate. I pulled my legs underneath me, rested my wrists on my knees, and took a deep breath.

'Why didn't you say yes?!' Happy interrupted.

"I couldn't."

'That excuse is invalid' knowledge intervened. 'You were completely capable of accepting Beast Boy's invitation.'

"Fine. Then I didn't want to."

'We all know that's a lie!' Brave exclaimed.

Leaning back onto the bed, I massaged my temples. Having so many emotions racing through me was becoming a chore. They weren't giving me any time to relax.


"Yes, Timid?"

'Do you think Beast Boy is going to be okay?'

I hadn't even thought of what Beast Boy might be feeling right now. What If he hates me now?

'You really think he would hate us?'

"No,'ll be okay.

The answer was more of a reassurance for myself than my sorrowful counterpart.


This time there was I voice I had never heard of before. The voice was soft with a gentle vibrato about it. Something about it made me feel...calm.

"Who are you?"

'That is something I cannot reveal just yet. However, I do believe you should visit Garfield. He deserves to know why you said no.'

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