Chapter Thirteen

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Robin always wanted to save me. He was always trying to fix things. I don't blame him for caring for his teammates, but this time I knew he wouldn't be able to help me. I looked at the group surrounding Beast Boy.

"The one in the green cloak is Brave. She is daring and enjoys a good fight."

Brave flashed a peace sign from her spot to Beast Boy's right.

They all seemed to take a liking to them, even Timid seemed less...timid. She was content against his back hiding from the others.

"There is Timid," the grey clad girl squeaked at her name and buried her face against Beast Boy's back.

"And Knowledge."

She cleaned off her glasses with her yellow cloak then proceeded to evaluate the changeling from his left.

"You already know Happy," the pink girl smiled at her name.

"Rude," I half scolded as I introduced her. She had helped herself to Beast Boy's lap during the entire introduction.

"What?" She groaned, flipping her orange hood down. "Ya can't keep him all to yourself. That'd be rude."

I blushed as she continued to make herself more than comfortable with him.

"Get off of him now." I chided.

"Jealousy must not have made it through the portal," she stuck her tongue out at me.


"That's my name, don't ware it out."

Before I could say more, Brave yanked her out of Beast Boy's lap by the ear.

"Ouch!!!" She squealed.

"Wanna fight?" She taunted.

"No..." she sulked.

"Did you even think about how uncomfortable you made Beast Boy?" Knowledge reprimanded.

"H-he probably hates us now..." Timid cried.

"N-no," Beast Boy comforted Timid. "I could never hate you."

My blush deepened at the sound of Cyborg's snickering and Robin's anxious shuffling.

"Did...anyone else make it through?" I asked Knowledge, knowing she would understand what I meant.

"There were two others." She confirmed.

The other emoticlones avoided my gaze. My eyes widened. She could be anywhere. She could be hurting innocent people. And I was entirely useless without my emotions. I had no power.

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