Chapter Fourteen

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The emoticlones moved as close as they could behind Beast Boy. Did they honestly think I wouldn't hurt them if they were behind him?

"How could you have let her get away?" I scolded.

"The trip through the portal took a toll on all of us," Knowledge defended. "Rage was the first to recooporate."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I don't like the sound of that. Is that the scary red one with four eyes?" Cyborg waved his hands side to side.

I bit my tongue to keep tears from spewing down my eyes. Even if she was scary, she was still a part of me. One that I could never deny.


"How can we find her?" Robin demanded to know. "Who else is with her?"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about Lo-"

"The other does not pose a threat," Knowledge interrupted.

"We'll take your word for it." Robin nodded. "Until then, Raven, try locating her."

"I can try," I cleared my throat. "But there is no way to tell if it will work without my emotions enforcing my power."

"Buy you will try, yes?" Starfire inquired.

"I will," I nodded. "I'll be back."

"Beast Boy will go with you," Robin instructed.

I opened my mouth to argue, but Beast Boy interrupted.

"Don't worry, Rae, just think of it as moral support."

"Aww!!! He's sooo sweet!" Happy swooned.

"...fine. But be quiet."

I turned and walked out of the room, Beast Boy following close behind. We walked up the stairs onto the roof.

Here, there was a clear view of the world around us. The sky was pitch black, yet the city was glowing radiantly below. Annoyed honking from the traffic jam responded throughout the roads. I took a seat at the edge of the platform. Sitting cross-legged, I closed my eyes and let my senses take over. Inhale. Exhale. Deep, slow breaths.

It didn't take me long at all to find her.

"So much rage flowing from these petty people..."

'Don't even think about it.' I growled.

"Oh, but Raven, I'm just starting to have fun..."

A loud crash sounded from below. Seconds after sirens were going off in the distance.

"Rae?" A familiar voice called out to me.

I gasped at the impact of my soul self returning to my body.

"Raven!" Beast Boy rushed to my side. He helped me sit up against him. His fingers brushed a strand of hair away from my face. I flinched away.

"I'm fine, Beast Boy."

I stood up and made my way back down the stairs. I wasn't fine. Whatever energy I had stored went into finding Rage. It could take me days before I could muster enough power to be of use again. I leaned heavily against the railing along the stairway.

"Rae," Beast Boy reached out. I couldn't put up much of a fight as he wrapped his arms around me. My legs collapsed just as my head reached his chest. Steadily, he lowered us down to sit on the steps.

"I got you," he soothed as his short claws brushed through my hair. It was oddly comforting. I nuzzled deeper into his chest and closed my eyes.

"Thank you, Garfield," I mumbled before falling asleep.


My teammates had found ways to live with my emoticlones. Happy had become Starfire's New best friend. Almost every single night they could be found braiding each other's hair in new fashions or applying face masks.

Brave was always training with Robin. She taught him all the best moves from Azarath, despite the fact our teachings were supposed to be similar to pacifists. It's strange how the thought of a society simply being able to fight was just fear-invoking enough to keep most dangers away.

Knowledge was testing out a new found love for engineering with Cyborg. Oh, man, that girl could calculate formulas almost as fast as the robot programed to do so.

Timid rarely left my room, but when she did it was to be with Beast Boy. She was awkwardly trying to play video games with him at this very moment.

I clenched my jaw. He wanted to comfort me, but I pushed him away every time. Ever since our 'date' I've been pushing him away. I hated myself for it, but it was a reflex. I couldn't think about him...or us. Not until Rage was found.

I stood up from my spot on the couch with them.

"Are you gonna try again, Babe?" Garfield asked.

"Babe?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yea," he shifted uncomfortably, wearing a stupid grin on his face. "I thought, you know, maybe I should try some different nicknames since you hate 'Rae' so much."

"I don't hate it," I whispered under my breath.

He tilted his head and smiled softly, "Do you want me to go with you, Rae?"

I shook my head.


A few minutes later, I finally got the reading I was trying to get. She was close, but we would have to hurry.

"Robin," I called. He peeked around the punching bag Brave was holding still for him.

"Oh, hey, Raven," he smirked. "What's up?"

"I have a new lead on Rage. She is on the bridge."

"I'll assemble the team."

Once he disappeared behind the door I glared at Brave.

"What?" She asked.

"You are starting to get comfortable."

"What's your point?"

"Eventually you will have to return."

"Says who?" Her voice started to raise.

"Brave, you belong inside me. You are all a part of me. I'll need you to return soon. Who knows what could happen if we wait too much longer."

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