Chapter Five

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"Can I help you?" An old woman approached us the moment we entered.

"No, ma'am," Beast Boy smiled politely. "We are just looking."

"Okay," she nodded. "Let me know if you or your girlfriend would like anything."

Before either of us could deny being together, she walked away.

"Well, that was weird..." Beast Boy started.

"Yea," I shifted uncomfortably.

"Umm...I guess we should look around?"

Beast Boy anxiously rubbed the back of his head and put on an awkward smile. I couldn't help smiling a bit at his attempt to make me feel comfortable.

'He looks so cute!' Happy squealed.

'Shut up!' Brave scolded.

'Sorry...' Happy mumbled.

"Hey, don't you have some of these books at the tower?" Beast Boy asked.

I looked up to see him flipping through a book. I quickly recognized the thick black book with a dark plum colored spine.

"What language is this?!" He exclaimed.

"How did they get a hold of this..." I moved closer to him to get a better look. A wave of nervousness & joy attacked me. Beast Boy was watching me out of the corner of his eyes, a tinge of red flecked across his cheeks. I couldn't help feeling slightly proud at being able to make him feel that way just by being near him. I had always sensed small doses of this from him, but it's never been this strong.

Without thinking I pressed against his side to see the book better. I don't really know what came over me. I just...

Suddenly warm engulfed me. Beast Boy's arm wrapped around my waist, hesitantly at first then he had a short burst of confidence.

"The book is written in in the language of Azar."

"W-what?" He stuttered.

I laughed at his embarrassment.

"You're cute when you're nervous."

My eyes doubled. Did I just say that?

"You think I'm cute?" Beast Boy's ears perked up.

Yes. I actually said that.

"Umm..." I blushed.

'Happy! You can't just take over like that.' Knowledge reprimanded.

'Sorry, Raven.'

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