Chapter Seventeen

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"I'm ready," she said again. "I'll go back, now."

She took me by complete surprise. I never thought she would ever voluntarily return to what she considered to be a prison.

I nodded and rose to my feet. She mirrored my every move. We stood gazing at each other for moment.

"She is here, too." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The others call her Amy. But her name is Amour. You might recognize her from the first time you let him in." She gestured to Beast Boy who was receiving medical care from Cyborg.

"I didn't let him into my room, he snuck in." I corrected.

"You know I didn't mean it that way." He voice rose slightly, then she calmed herself down.

"She is ready to explain everything."

Before I could ask anything more she stepped back. Her energy engulfed her, transforming her into a raven. She fused her soul self back to me. All the negative emotions took control of me, so much pain, anger...rage...yet with every ounce of my being I fought each thought away.

'One day...I will have my revenge...' my father's voice snarled its way into my thoughts.

'We will be ready for you.' I thought back bitterly.

The amount of control it took to return Rage left me exhausted. I vaguely heard someone shout my name as I collapsed to the ground.

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