Chapter Eighteen

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"Raven...Raven..." a soft voice cooed.

I stirred out of my slumber. It didn't take long for me realize only my mind had awoken. The sky was a deep sea of violet filled with brilliant silver stars, and the ground was covered with white sand, the kind of sand you would find near the most prestine ocean.

"Raven," the voice called again. "It's time for you to know everything."

"Who are you?" I shouted into the sky.

"I am the one you have locked away from yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"The day you left Azarath was the day you told yourself you were not worthy to feel such an emotion...It was the day you promised you would never allow yourself to love anyone."

My eyes widened.

"I am not capable of feeling such emotions."

"You know very well you are lying to yourself."

"Then I don't deserve to feel love," I snapped.

"Everyone deserves someone, Raven. You have found four amazing friends. You would do anything to protect them. You love all of them. And they love you."

"That's a lie!"

Hot tears stung my eyes. They threatened to pour down my cheeks with every breath I took.

'They were so quick to leave me!' I thought to myself.

"You don't believe that," the voice soothed.

"They had all found ways to live without me! Happy had become Starfire's New best friend. Brave was always training with Robin. Cyborg started asking Knowledge to help with the T-Car!"

"Don't you understand, Raven? The emoticlones are all part of you. Every aspect of yourself has a place with them. You are the only one hindering your relationships with them. Especially with Garfield."

I flinched immediately at his name.

"You can't pretend you didn't hear what he said. He will want to know how you feel."

I looked down at the sand around my feet.

"He didn't-"

"He's calling to you," she interrupted. "He's worried about you. Raven, he needs you. And you need him."

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