Chapter Six

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I looked away from Beast Boy.

"The book is from Azarath. The place where I was raised. Its mostly full of its history, every thing from the first incarnation of Azar to today's..."

"What's an Azar?"

I laughed.

"Not a what. A who."

"Oh, sorry," he smiled sheepishly.

"She's the protector of Azarath. She's...well, I guess you could say she's like an angel."

"Was she your mother?"

I bit my lower lip. Azar wasn't my mother, but sometimes it felt like she had been more of a mom to me than my own. It was never Arella's fault, though. It was safer for me to be kept from her. My emotions were far too unpredictable in my childhood.

"No," I finally answered. "No, she wasn't my mother."

Beast Boy's arm tightened around me, reminding me of our closeness.

'Omigosh! He totally has his arm around you right now!' Happy intruded once again.

"Stop that!" I chided.

Before I could silence myself, the words already echoed throughout the store. Beast Boy's arm abruptly left my side, a massive blush creeping to his cheeks. There were curious stares from nearby shoppers, one even audacious enough to peak over the shelf.

"I-I'm sorry..." he managed through the embarrassment.

'See what you did!' Timid whimpered. 'He probably hates us now...'

Hesitantly I brought my hand up to touch his.

"I didn't mean you," I said, not really knowing how to explain.

Before he could ask more, I grasped his hand in mine and guided him to the counter.

"This was the final book I needed to complete the collection. Thank you for helping me find it."

"Uh," he shrugged. "No problem?"

A small smile crept onto my lips. It wasn't flashy by any means, but it seemed to bring him a sense of accomplishment.

"That'll be $14.78," the cashier smiled.

I reached into my cross body bag when Beast Boy stopped me.

"I got it, Rae." He smirked.

"That's okay, Gar," I responded.

His face lit up at the newly bestowed nickname.

"No, really, I insist." He gave the money to the cashier, who in turn passed him the recent and a bag.

"Thanks..." I awkwardly took the bag from him.

"It's the least I could do," he said. "I mean, you did have to spend the day with me..."

"I wouldn't say 'had to'. I've enjoyed it," I admitted.

"You mean it?"

"Surprisingly," I joked.

He smiled and held the door opened for me.

"M'lady," he said.

I scoffed, "You're an idiot."

"My lady has offended me!" He mocked.

"What's gotten into you?" I questioned.

He paused.


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