the words don't stop

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i'm overflowing
like a water spout
i'll keep on writing
until the words run out
i'm so sad
because every day
it feels like you're drifting
even farther away
and even though i know
i can't catch you now
i can't help but wishing
there was some way how

valentines day
was a whole year ago
i'm so lonely
but can't let you know
you're in the arms
of somebody new
and i'm just stuck here
missing you

i want the car rides
long nights
ice cream in the back seat
ear buds in and
dancing to a new beat
screaming at the little kids
on your stupid game
cold pizza on a napkin
how it felt so lame
walking through the woods
found your campsite square
kissed me in the sunset
could have died, i swear
i miss sitting on the swing
in the blazes of june
calling you at 2 a.m.
just to look at the moon

the snow globe is on my counter
it's the only thing i expose
it's what i have left of you
besides my poetry and prose

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