Part 4 (The Art Class)

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This morning has been fairly interesting with this mystery guy, and I even made a new friend! I'm glad that this is where I'll spend my next four years...

"We're here." Charcoal hair had a blank face and walked in with his hands in his pockets.

"Oi, 小 Peng!"

The person before us was a short man smiling with all his teeth, and a beret with clouds on it.

"Hey, I told you not to call me that Yoller xiānshēng," Charcoal said with a lack of passion.

"Oh hoho! Well sorry Mr. Toughguy!"

"Oh, sorry! You must be the new student, Li You right?"

"是," I replied.

"Well it is very nice to meet you Li~chan."

"You too Mr. Yoller, right?" I asked.

"Yes indeed young lady! You can sit next to Wang Peng so that you may get familiar with the classroom," Mr Yoller told me.

I did a 45° bow and said, "Xièxiè."

"May I ask who that is?" I said confused.

"Oh, thats right! He's right over there!" Then he pointed to young man with the hair the color of charcoal.

Li You x Wang Peng (A Chinese Textbook Fanfiction) {13+ bad words}Where stories live. Discover now