Blooper (Gaowen the cross-dresser pt.1)

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This story will be told from Gaowen Zhong's pov where he and Bai Ying Ai are currently in a relationship! The characters in the story are currently fast-forwarded in time on the First of August and are on summer vacation, stay tuned to see what happens! The events in the story are NOT canon to the actual story and is just made for enjoyment, enjoy! (This blooper may also be split into parts depending on how long it takes.)

Damn! I need some money, what am I going to do! Argh! I need a summer job that's what! I need to save up money for Ying Ying's(Bai Ying Ai's) birthday on the 11th... but how...

*Door opens*

"Hey! Sunbae!" (Sunbae: Korean honorific) It was Wang Peng who was dressed in his casual hoodie and sneakers coming towards me.

"What's up Gaowen-ssi!"

"Didn't I tell you not to be so formal?" I told him.

"I know I know, alright then Gaowen, what's troubling you?" He asked me.

"Heh, you could already tell huh? Well I want to get Ying Ying a birthday present, but I'm running short on funds." I replied to him.

"Oh! I can help you with that!" He told me.

"Really?!" I said as my eyes lit up with excitement.

"Of course! Let's get to it!"

To Be Continued

Li You x Wang Peng (A Chinese Textbook Fanfiction) {13+ bad words}Where stories live. Discover now