Part 11 (Back to school)

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I woke up in the morning to the sound of TBS Epiphany, and weeped a little. I know that, that day was my chance to get a little closer to Wang Peng, I'm not saying that he owned me an explanation, but he could of left in a better manor. I'm trying to understand his situation, but it is so hard.

I got up and showered while listening to my Monsta Y playlist, then made my way out the door.

"Have a good day Li You!" My sister told me.

"Xièxiè Sis!" I replied.

I take 糖果 Station, and make my way to school.

When I arrived, I saw Bai Ying Ai Unnie walking. I decided to say hi to her.

"你好!" I said.

"你好, Li You," Bai Ying said quietly.

"你的周末怎么样?(Nǐ de zhōumò zěnme yàng?)" I asked her.

"It was good, I got to hang out with my little brother Wang Yong," Bai Ying told me.

Bai Ying Unnie seemed to be more comfortable with me then she did last week, and that was something to smile about!

" *smiles* Aww, How cute! How old is he?" I asked.

"Bā sui," she told me.

"Wow, he's so little! I'm the youngest of my siblings," I said to Bai Ying Ai.

I'm glad that I'm getting to know more about Bai Ying Ai, she seems like a good person. I'm happy that we are frien-

I look infront of me, and freeze like a goat infront of a mountain lion.

Li You x Wang Peng (A Chinese Textbook Fanfiction) {13+ bad words}Where stories live. Discover now