Guest Author: Gigi 🐥#7653 - Part 17 (Gaowen... Knows)

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"6:29, again" I sigh. I always wake up a minute before my alarm, wasting a minute of perfectly good sleep. A-A-Achoo!

"Oh no, I hope I don't have a cold." I murmur to myself, wiping my nose and pulling on my warm school clothes. Then, again it's probably just a chill I got from walking home last night.
Either way, the city looked so beautiful yesterday night and I had so much fun yesterday with Bai Ying Ai that a little chill is worth it.

In fact thinking about the city makes me sad that I have to take the train and watch the buildings whoosh by. Then again, it's not like I can walk to school and be there in 30 minutes . . . hmmm . . . Charcoal-Kun is pretty athletic . . . I wonder . . . Focus! If I don't leave right now even the miracle of the public transportation system might not be enough to get me to school on time. I can ask myself stupid hypothetical questions about that Charcoal haired jerk later.

I yank my bag by the straps and nearly trip down the stairs . . . almost knocking my older sister over in the process.
"I told you to wake up earlier you know" she calls down after me, but I've already yelled 'Zaijian Jiejie' and jogged to the corner of the block. Of course, I slowed to a brisk walk after about a minute, knowing damn well I couldn't do cardio this early in the morning with my two left feet.

After maybe ten more minutes I finally reached the train station, thankfully without falling anymore, and anchored my body to the seat so I could examine the train schedules, and - the by far more interesting - people around me.
Discreetly angling my head, a skill I picked up from my jiejie, I was able to see most of the people who crowded the train station, but a tall blond kid caught my eye. That- that nose . . . He looked like an elephant during allergy season.
Oh well, I guess not everyone can be as perfect as Wang Peng.

*sigh,* *argh,* *coughing noises*
Suddenly the lemon-blond elephant turned his head in my direction and I started doing this weird choking coughing thing. Ta ma de, he was actually Big Nose!

After I, *ahem* elegantly recovered from my *ahem* throat tickle. I began watching him with the intensity of a tiger stalking her prey. What on earth was he doing at the train station? Didn't he live like ten minutes away from school? I stared at him some more and was totally giving Bai Ying Ai a run for her money in the intensity category. . . but somewhere in the middle of all this staring, I realized something horrifying, he had to go to school too . . . and that meant he was taking the same train I was!

And sure enough, when the train pulled up I saw him walk inside, ducking his head to pass through the doorway.
I groaned, and grudgingly got up and made my way over to the train. Ugh, I didn't want to have to deal with skyscraper big-nose over there, especially since he sent Bai Ying Ai practically running for her life. What did she call it again? Something about fight -or- flight?

Ha! Knowing me I wouldn't be able to make it 2 feet without face planting. My feet shuffled along the floor nervously as I searched for an empty seat, so much for fight -or-flight, I can't flee, and I'm not much of a fighter besides knowing some Tai Chi. I sunk down into a seat and considered my options:

A: Slink down in your seat and pray that he doesn't see you

B: Sit there and pray that even if he does see you, he'll have the social skills to deduct that you would like to be left alone, thank you very much

But wait, maybe it would be better if he found me, he was friends with Wang Peng after all, I could possibly learn some valuable info from him. *Gasp* What if Wang Peng had told him about me?


My face turned beet red and at that moment I started considering actually speaking to Big Nose. However, I didn't really get much choice in the matter because when I looked up that giant nose was staring me directly in the face. I jumped up in my seat and my face immediately went from beet red to my science teacher's red stamp red.
Did he catch me blushing? Does he think I'm an idiot? He must think I'm an idiot? He's going to tell Wang Peng that I'm an idiot! No, No, No, No.

"Hey. . . Li You '' his voice sounded like rolling thunder, and also strangely resembled a tambourine. Yeah, a thunderous, nasally, tambourine.
I stared him directly in the nose and cautiously said hi back. He then did this awkward little twitch - very odd behavior for someone as confident as him - and then took the seat across from me.

Our gazes met. It was the first time I had really gotten a good look at his eyes, I mean, most of the time I was too preoccupied with the nose but . . . there was something serious in his eyes this time, a little plea for help. Of course I also thought I saw an ambitious excited little spark flash near his pupils, but then again it could've just been his arrogance talking.

I couldn't help myself but be suspicious of him. He seemed like a bit of a bad boy, and that little twinkle wasn't helping, but that was when he did something that surprised me.

He broke my gaze, shoved his hands into his pockets, stared off out the train window and, "Look, I really like Bai Ying Ai, okay? And I don't really think I made the best first impression the other day . . . I know you two are really good friends so . . ." he glanced up at me for a second, "I thought you could maybe put in a good word for me. You know?"


My body was completely frozen in shock. He was asking me for help?! How could I help him get with Bai Ying Ai? She was terrified of him! Just when I was about to tell him to stick his plus sized nose somewhere else, he looks up and gives me a malicious look. "I know you like Wang Peng . . . And well, if you don't help let's just say I could make things very difficult for you."

My jaw dropped. "H-How did he find out?!" I shouted. "Then again . . . I could prove a very useful ally you know, we could use each other Li You." Gaowen told me. I knew I was trapped. I stared down at my feet. I didn't want to do this to Bai Ying Ai but what choice did I have? "Fine," I muttered as the train pulled into the station. "I'm Gaowen Zhong by the way," and without another word the big nose has left with this stupid arrogant smile plastered across his face.

I sighed and got up walking solemnly onto the platform. Yup, this school year is about to get very interesting all right.

Li You x Wang Peng (A Chinese Textbook Fanfiction) {13+ bad words}Where stories live. Discover now