Chapter 8. "That's not my name anymore."

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Raph's POV
I had no idea Naomi could get so scared being alone. But didn't she escape to the top sides alone? She did. So why did she sound so upset?
"Ha!" Mikey smugly said. "You and Cattie are sooooooooo cute together!"

I knew exactly who he ment by Cattie. He was talking about Naomi and he gave her one of his stupid, shell brained, names.
"SHUT UP!" I screamed at the top of lungs as lunged at him. I put my three fingered hand on his face and held him up in the air. "MEH FACCCEE" he squealed into my hand.
"Raph, let Mikey go," Leo said.
"Okay..." I replied to Leo.

I threw Mikey a few inches higher into the air and as he came down, I lightly punched him, sending him backwards.
"Nice one Raph." he said as he grabbed his stomach in pain. "Why do your punches always have to hurt forever?"

~~~back at the lair~~~

Donnie went straight to his lab and Leo and Mikey went to go watch tv. Space Hero's I guess is what Leo wants to watch. The first thing I did was to go look for Naomi. She was sitting in the middle of the dojo meditating, spike crawling up to her.

I cautiously strode up to her. Spike made an exited squealing noise and moved his little legs as fast as he could towards me. Naomi opened one eye. "Raph!" She jumped up and hugged me. It seemed to last forever. She pulled away and spoke. "Oh! You're hurt!"

"What?" I said, "where?"

"Stay here!" She said as she ran out of the dojo.
She later returned with a damp cloth, a first aid kit, and some bandaging. She gently dabbed my forehead. When the damp cloth pulled away from my head, I saw that the snowy white cloth had been stained deep red. She treated the deep wound in my head and slightly stuck out her tongue in concentration as she worked. I laughed. She looked like Donnie!
"What's so funny." she smirked without taking her eyes of my wound.
"You look like Donnie when you stick your tongue like that," I grimly replied.
"I don't look like Donnie. We have nothing in common either." She said sternly.
"What do you have against Donnie? Naomi?"
"He tortured me" she whimpered. "The same way the Kraang tortured my parents before killing them. And never call me Naomi. That's not my name anymore, it brings back to many memories."
She finished wrapping the bandage around my head and exited the room, balling up one fist, and squeezing the first aid kit in the other.

Hope you liked that chapter! The next chapter is where Naomi earns her new name. For those of you that read my other TMNT fanfiction that I abandon, you should know what her new name is.
And follow maybe!

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