A feeling

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It was a sunny day in spring, Candy was a tea break in her garden while reading a book about a romance of a domineering man and a carefree, independent woman when suddenly there was a racket of noise in the distance.

Candy tried to ignore it, and concentrate in the book in her hands but the noise was getting louder and louder, she sighed, annoyed. She suddenly has this feeling like when you wake up in the morning but don't have the energy nor the will to get up and just want to go back to sleep.

Candy sighed again, no use stalling the inevitable. Standing up, Candy made her way to the source of the noises. Candy stopped and stared, 'WTF', ran throw her head. All of a sudden the only thing she wanted was to find a far away place to hide in and forget that she has a twin and a fiance, maybe she will be lucky enough and God would take pity on her and erase these two existences from the world.

Up ahead where Rose and prince leo fighting, it wasn't this sight that got Candy so dumbfounded, it was the fact that not only were those two fighting but behind them the guards of the campbell household were having a throw-anything-that-you-have-in-sight competition with the second prince's guards. Everything was a mess, it was a straight out of a manga scene and Candy wanted to do was ignore it and disappear from the place before they noticed that she was even there.

Candy sighed again, closing her eyes and massaging her temples, 'God give me patience 'cause if you give strength I'll kill them', she tought and have to crouch down as a chair of all things passed flying above her head.

With a frosty glare, Candy concentrated her magic on her feet and stomped on the ground, immediately ice started forming below her and spreading towards the group of oblivious idiots fighting like children high on sugar.

Everyone in the vicinity felt a chill go down their spine, they froze and turned robotically to see Candy with a frosty glare on her usually gentle face, her pretty pink lips pulled back into a feral snarl, behind her the lose curls of hair floated in the air due to all the mana flowing out of her in her anger, as if it has a life of their own.

All of them shivered, frightened they tried to escape only to notice their feet stuck frozen to the ground, then they felt another frightening presence behind them, turning their bodies from the waist and above, as they couldn't move from the waist down, they nearly passed out from the fright.

Behind then with a expression similar to her younger daughter and her hair floating in an even more intense manner, was the duchess Melissa Campbell herself. Suddenly it wasn't only cold but hot at the same time.

Some of them fainted and Rose felt a pan of jealously flash through her, why couldn't she faint just like them, unfortunately for her she seemed to be unable to faint or throw up even on her past life, so with some grievances on her heart she accepted her mother's and sister's punishment, at least the idiotic prince was in the same boat as her.


Three hours later, Candy was sitting in the library alone, she still couldn't concentrate on her book, the only difference was that now she was alone and in silence, all of a sudden a feeling of loneliness engulfed her as if trying to suffocate her.

She was starting to fall into a panic attack, her breath coming in short forced puff of air when a pair of arms snaked around her body, her shoulders relaxed and her breathing calmed down slowly. Candy paused, trying to take deep breaths and slowly let them out, she looked up feeling safe and protected in the small arms wrapped around her tightly, as if to hide her away from the world.

And then it hit her, why she always felt so comfortable around leo, why she felt so attracted to him since their first meeting, why every time she saw his smile, heard his laugh, saw his twinkling blue eyes she was hit with a sense of nostalgia. She had seen him before, of course how could she forget, she tought back to when she first met him,


Kendy sighed, it has been a long day of school and all she wanted was to go home and snuggle under the warm quilts, but it seemed that luck wasn't on her side today because as she turned the corner a boy slightly taller than her with light brown hair and blue eyes- that were glaring at her- crashed into her body making both of them fall back due to the impact.

Kendy cursed as her behind made contact with the hard, cold- freezing cold, it was fucking winter- ground. She looked up, brown eyes glaring at blue, startled ones,

"What the f- " , Kendy started but was interrupted by a group of boys, very familiar boys, that were running towards them, jeering the blue-eyed one in the ground, Kendy closed her mouth observing the situation.

"What's up pretty boy?, got tired of running?," one of them said loudly, smirking at the now standing blue-eyed boy.

The boy glared lifting his chin arrogantly, sneering he said,
"So what, jealous of my looks? Or it's it that you fell for me?", he paused a look of disgust in his still childishly handsome face," sorry, I don't swing that way, and even if I did you're too ugly for me".

Kendy's eyes widened slightly and she had to hold herself back from laughing out loud. The other boys eyes widened then narrowed in anger, the leader curled his right hand and swung his arm to punch the blue-eyed boy, this startled the boy who could only close his eyes in fear.

The punch was about to connect, Kendy tried to move forward to help the boy when a loud teenager voice was heard, Kendy turned, recognition in her eyes, as she saw her older sister Rosie walking towards her with her bestfriend by her side. She was talking excitedly, often waving, twirling around and laughing loudly, when she noticed her little sister, she smiled and ran up to her hugging her shoulders, she greeted her.

"Hey, lil sis, whatcha doing?!", she smiled her dark brown eyes shining with amusement, then she gave an exaggerated gasp as if just having noticed the situation," huh, what's this? A fight between little boys? or its it a bullying case?", she asked smirking when the boys flinched at her words.

Kendy sighed and looked at her fifteen years old sister, just two years older than the boys but talking as if she was an adult, 'how annoying', she tought,
She turned and smiled at the bullies, a smile that didn't reach her eyes, they flinched again, "I reccomend you leave this boy alone or there will be consequences", she said, her eyes curved a little more and suddenly they didn't want to find what the consequences would be, Kendy has a reputation in school after all, no one ever bothered her more than one time and wasn't traumatized by the next day, they never said what happened but they never tried to bother her again.

They glared at the blue-eyed boy and turned around, returning the way they came from. The blue-eyed boy turned around and stared at Kendy for a minute, he seemed to want to say something but didn't have the courage nor could he find the words that he wanted to say. So he stood there his pretty pink lips opening and closing like a fish out of water.

Kendy raised a curious eyebrow and waited for a few seconds for the boy to say what he wanted, when he still stood there with a silly look on his face, she moved forward passing him and dragging her sister - her best friend following behind them- to go home.

As they walked , a expensive-looking black car parked beside the still stunned blue-eyed boy, the drivers door opened and out came a boy with dark brown hair, Rosie glanced back to see the silver-blue eyes of the boy staring at her, the boy smiled muttering an 'interesting' before turning to the one that was with Kendy before,
she frowned, somewhat irritated by that smile, Kendy saw the frown on her sister face and sighed slapping the back of her head and dragging her with more strength.

End of flashback

Hello my dear readers, I won't say sorry for the wait cause that would be a lie, I'm not 😐 sorry. I was between work and a messed up sleep schedule, I so yeah, everything is good now, work is slowing down and I'm regaining my inspiration so I'll do my best. Take care, be safe, smile and live to the fullest. Don't stress over the covid-19 too much, just remember that life have a start and an end, we hope the end is far away buts not our decision, in conclusion be happy.

Love you guys "Akane_uchiha13😘

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