Chapter 3: Alex's POV

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Fuck school. Fuck detention. Fuck every person who has ever took it upon themselves to chew the most disgusting flavor of gum possible and stick it under the desk. I groaned aloud for the millionth time, earning yet another death stare from Mrs. Lyga. I ignored it, but continued to scrape underneath the desks.
What felt like an eternity later, she spoke up. "Five minute break. Do not leave the building." That's right. Our detentions were so long they were required-by law-to give us breaks. How fucked up is that?
Mike, who was in the same room as me, dropped his scraper as soon as she called the break.
"Thank god," he said, as the clicks of her heels faded. "She's a total bitch." I nodded in agreement, pulled out my phone, looking for anything to convince me strangling her was wrong. I tweeted Jack, the pun guy on Twitter.

@GallonsOfGaskarth: Got any new puns? I could really use the cheering up right now..

I prayed he would respond within five minutes. Turns out I didn't even have to wait that long.

@KatBoner: @GallonsOfGaskarth, when I get undressed in the bathroom, the shower usually gets turned on. But I'm the one that gets wet.

I burst out laughing. Mike stared at me like I was crazy. "When I get undressed in the bathroom, the shower usually gets turned on, but I'm the one that gets wet," I read to him.
"Get out," he said, face-palming. "That was like the worst pun I've ever heard, and I know Rian," I laughed.
"By that you mean the best pun ever how did you come up with it." He smiled, shaking his head.
"I see you're fluent in Tumblr." I winked at him.
"I'm fluent in a lot of things, Tumblr definitely being one of them." He rolled his eyes.
"You're not funny enough to think of that on your own, who said it?" I showed him my phone.
"Back to work!" Mrs. Lyga snapped, with another of her infamous glares. Mike and I rolled our eyes simultaneously, then exchanged a look of despair. How much longer could they keep us here?
I slowed my work considerably, trying to put it off but still do something so she couldn't yell at me. Mike caught on, doing the same thing.
"Don't think I don't see what you're doing. Lucky for you, though, I want to be here even less than you, so I won't report it." I silently thanked Satan for lazy teachers. I would thank god, but laziness is technically a 'sin' and besides to my parents I was like the devil incarnate so I figured the chances of me being sacrificed were slightly less with Satan.
"The fuck are you talking about?" Mike mumbled. "I walk over here and you're talking to yourself about the statistical odds of you being sacrificed to a made up man in the clouds or a phony little devil in hell. Seriously, I mean I've taken some crazy-ass shit before, but what are you on?" I offered him my best crooked grin.
"I'm not even on drugs, I'm just weird." He gave me a look that clearly said he thought I was a liar.
"You expect me to believe drugs weren't involved in that?" I elbowed him sharply in the ribs.
"Hey, warden, our sentence is up," Justin's voice said dryly from the doorway.
"There is a God!" I said purposefully to annoy Mike.
"Cut the bullshit, Gaskarth," Justin snapped.
"Mister Hills! Watch your language!" Mrs. Lyga snapped. Mike and I both had to contain our laughter. Justin said one thing and got caught and we'd been sweating back here for hours and she hadn't noticed. I had known Justin long enough to known when he was at his breaking point, and right now, he was close to snapping. I nudged Mike again, and we practically ran out of there, dragging Justin beside us before he did something to get himself expelled. Or worse, get his brother called again.
I pulled him aside before he could run off to his room again.
"What happened?" I asked simply, knowing there was no need to beat around the bush. He ground his teeth in raw anger.
"James told my parents what happened. They want to me move schools." My eyes widened. We couldn't lose Justin. He was a key piece in our operation.
"What? How far? Would you still be in the area?" I asked quickly. He shook his head.
"Across the goddamn country. City of Angels and all that dumb shit. Do they really think sending me to some lame ass school in LA is gonna do anything?" He growled in frustration, running his hands through his hair.
"LA? What the fuck?" I gasped.
"Exactly. And I don't even get a say. They've already signed me up. I get one weeks to transfer." I shook my head.
"No way in hell are any of us letting you go alone. I'll figure out someway to get my parents to send me there, and all Rian has to do is ask, and maybe-" he cut me off with a simple shake of his head.
"No way. I can't ask you guys to uproot and transfer across the country because my parents are dickheads." I grinned, and threw my arm over his shoulder, walking back towards my dorm.
"That's why you're not asking, I'm telling. Now c'mon, I still have a bottle or two from the cellar in my dorm. Let's get the rest of the guys over so we can plan this out." He forced a smile back at me.
"Thanks, Alex." I shrugged.
"You guys would do the same for me." I hoped, at least.

A/N: Sorry it's short but I have to save the rest for next time! My next chapter will be longer

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