chapter 1 same old

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 date: tuesday, November 25, 2012

                AMERICAS POV.                        

I woke to a painful and stinging headache that slowly became worse every second. I slowly lifted my heavy
and dried eyes to a empty-like and boring room. I've been so busy with everything that I never had time to decorate. I slowly get up from my bed, pulling down the covers and move my legs. "Ughhh" I managed to say....well the only thing i could manage because my throat was sore and dry.  I get up and went to the door to be greeted by my brother, Canada,

"Hey nada" I said with a cranky voice

"Hey big bro, you alright" nada said with a worried smile.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine...." I trailed off

"Well okie" nada said with a worried expression

I have gotten minimum sleep and barely ate. My family wants me to stop working all the time but with school and everything.......I cant

"I..made breakfast" nada said slowly

"Alright be there in a min" I said without an expression

"Okay" nada said while walking off

I closed my door slowly and walked to my closet. I pulled out my favorite black shirt that says NATO on it, I then grabbed a dark red jacket. I walk over to drawer and grabbed a light and fainted blue Jean's. I placed them on my bed and un-dressed from my previous clothes I slept in from last night, since I just came back from school that night and was to lazy to take them off.

I went downstairs to be greeted by my father, UK, mother, france, and my brother Canada. My other 2 siblings are twins, new Zealand and Australia
( new Zealand is a girl and Australia is a boy) they didn't have to go to school at the same time as us.

"Your up early" Father said while sipping his tea

"Yeah, I know" I said sounding rude

"Hm..." my father said

I could tell he was holding back his anger and urge to probably punch me. I then went to are brown cabinet and went to grab a pop tart..........but I'm so F#CK!NG short

"F#ck" I said

I quickly covered my mouth and slowly turned around. After turning to face my parents, I saw my father right in front of me. I looked over to my mother who had a disappointing look on her face, I soon came to realize I felt a burning pain on my right cheek and my head was forced to face the other way.

My father had slapped me across the face, my eyes slowly started to fill with hot tears. I grew angry and without thinking................I slapped my father right back. I knew what I did and before anyone could say anything, I grabbed my bookbag from the stairs and ran out the door. I kept running untill I was wheezing for air, I pulled out my phone from my pocket and looked at the time.

5:56.......great, I dont have to go to school untill 7:00. My parents have work and Canada always eat breakfast with them until they leave, so that's usually why he is up.

I guess I could go to the park while I'm waiting. I walked for about 10 mins and finally reached the park. I walked over by the big pond that was in the middle of the park, the pod was a deep,crystal blue ( imagine the ocean) it sparkled in the dark sky.

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