chapter 10. love you forever💙

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                       THIRD POV.                         

America lifted his tired eyes, they had a little stingy feeling but otherwise they were fine. He started realizing the warm and comfortable feeling he was so snuggled in, he cuddled more into the random warmth. Russia was awake watching America even though it was five in the morning. He felt terrible about calling him slut but felt like he deserved it since hes dating two people at once and tried to date him, but he couldn't denie his feelings and let him sleep outside in the cold. Russia then nuzzled America's face, America opened his eyes to see Russia with a upset look, he gave a weak small smile with tears peaking at the end of his eyes. Russia noticed this but gave a small frown.

"I'm Japan or N-north" America said through his weak smile

"But I saw you kissing him and you smiled" Russia said, he felt the betrayal in his heart again

"He kissed me but I didnt kiss back and I smiled because he told me you loved me" America said, the tears slid down his eyes

"Really?" Russia said with hope covering his words

"Mhmmm" America replied

"Well......w-what about Japan huh?!" Russia said, he didnt want to be lied to

"Japan had been obsessed with me since 2nd grade, and last time I checked, I'm gay" America said, smiling at the last part

Russia stares blankly, it was true. He only got mad when he figured he was dating japan while with north but he didnt even think that he was gay. He basically felt like an idiot.

"Annnnnd, I would never date North Korea. He literally bullied me for 3 years, with china." America continue, he gave a smirk with his sassy remark

Russia smiled, but still felt guilty about what he said to him. He looked away from America and frowned, America looked at him confused. He grabbed Russias chin and looked him in the eyes, Americas big eyes shined in the darkness that is wrapped around the room. Russia stares deeply into his eyes not making a sound, America smiled brightly erasing the negative thoughts in the Russians head. Americas brightness soon slowly became a upside down smile, he looked at Russia and smiled a weak smile.

He moved from the covers, off the bed. He felt the tears run down his face, he speed walked to the door until a strong hand grabbed his wrist gently.

"Where are you going?" Russia said, he waited for an answer

"Away Russia....." America said, looking at Russia with his eyes not turning his head

"W-Where?" Russia said, he felt tears peaked out

America sigh and smiled, he turned to Russia and grabbed his face. His moved his head closer to his, they finally touched lips gently with passion through every second of it. The love and happiness filled their hearts with nothing but internal bliss, the feeling was for surely heaven.....even if It wouldnt less long. The gentle feeling soon parted slowly away, each others smiles filled the hole of darkness inside. Nothing was better than this....absolutely nothing

"I'm sorry....I'll always love you" America said softly with tears dripping from his chin

Russia grabbed Americas hands "I'll forever and always love you, my dear meri" Russia said sweetly with wetness in his eyes

America smiles lightly, his tears grew lighter and smaller. He touched foreheads with Russia and closed his eyes while Russia did the same. There heavy and shaky breathing filled the comfortable silence, they parted ways and looked at each last time

"Will you help me Ruski..." America asked calmly

"For you....I will" Russia said through tears

America gently grabbed Russias hand, he smiled sweetly with Russia returning one. They opened the room door quietly and walked out, they headed down the empty and quiet hallways with nothing but them. They went down the stairs locking hands tightly, Russia went to the front door to a small brown table with a bowl, it had his fathers leather wallet inside including keys and etc. He grabbed the wallet and took two hundred dollars, he knew his father would question but it was for Americas happiness. He looks at America who had a millions of tears dripping from his chin, Russia nuzzled the side of his face being returned with a smile. They left the house down to a train station, they walked to the ticket booth and bought one for twenty dollars. The train wait was ten minutes long, perfect time for the last time.....

"I'm gonna miss you, my dear" Russia said, staring deeply into his lovers eyes

"M-me to" America said, he was holding tears with a gentle smile

Russia cupped America's face staring at his adorable face, they both slowly leaned in touching each other slowly and gently on the lips, the warm and fuzzy feeling was now brought upon them. There smiles could fill the darkest of the world, parting ways was the hardest ever, wanting that beautiful feeling to last forever. They stared deeply into each other's eyes not able to ever forget there smiles they shared.

The rough breeze soon came with the train boarding up passenger who were ready leave this crummy town. Both lovers got up and walked towards the loud machine, gripping tightly to each others hands not wanting to let go...ever. America turned to Russia

"Well.....this is goodbye" America chuckled with sadness

"Not goodbye....its never goodbye" Russia smiled with tears streaming down

"See ya later in life" America smiled with a giggle

"I will see day, my dear" Russia said, putting a hand on Americas cheek

America used both hands to hold Russias, he smiled brightly and closed his eyes snuggling against it. He opened his eyes only to hear a loud horn signaling who was left, America let go of Russias hands. He looked backed at Russia and tackled him into a hug, Russia squeezed America and lifted him up. They gave a quick but passionate kiss, Russia dropped America down.

"I will forever love you, my love" America said sweetly, he smiled

"I will love you more than anything aswell, my American" Russia said sweetly, with tears dripping down

Both lovers smiled at each other, remembering every little detail of them. America slowly walked backwards before turning the other way and running towards the train entrance, He waved at Russia with Russia returning with a smile and wave, he watched as his love gave the ticket to someone and walked inside but not before giving Russia a smile then disappearing.

Russia watched as the train roared and slowly starting, the tears drained out his negative thought as he daydreamed away to America being happy. He smiled to himself watching the train exit the train station, he closed his eyes and smiled when remembering one thing that his lover said....

I will love you forever, my love

Authors note
I edited this

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