chapter 11. what is ahead...

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America walked into the train beginning his new life ahead. The smell of the hot smoke seem to have comfort with it, he smiled thinking about what lies ahead. He chose a seat by the window to see Russia one last time, he smiled thinking about him even though they wont see each other....anymore

He pulled his knees to his face and cried softly, he wanted Russia but he couldn't stay any longer. He realized something was kinda stabbing his thigh, he felt under him but the object was in his pocket. He slid his hand in his pocket and pulled out a silver necklace with a heart-shaped locket, the heart was the Russian flag. He smiled brightly with tears rolling down his cheeks, he instantly wrapped it around his neck. His smile could give you cavities with your body heating up as an a effect, the train started moving away from the old and dusty station. America as Russia smiled with tears, he mouthed "I love you" before moving out of sight from Russia. He felt regret and guilt for leaving him alone, but he knew he would always love him no matter what.

The train ride was long and boring, kids scream and cried and people were snoring. He took out his phone from his jacket and looked at his messages, his family were asking where he was but he didnt bother to respond. He played games until the train came to a violent and quick making America almost lose his balance, he stood up catching himself dusting off whatever was on that train before walking out the doors.

Stepping on to his new path made he seemed relieved, but that all faded when he came to a realization. Everyone who loved hurt....heartbroken. he left without saying goodbye to them, he hurt them all because he was hurting. Russia loved him but he left him, he had a chance! What was he thinking! Those thoughts brought misery to his aching heart, he regrets his decision now.

America stood there in the city tears falling, cars honked, gloomy people walked past, bulidings covered the joyful and bright sun with hated shadows. No one bothered to help him, they watched as his sorrow spilled on the floor. America rubbed his eyes but couldn't rub away the pain and regret, he sighed walking through the city. He needed a job,home, and new clothes for now, he didnt need to eat in awhile. The city was bursting with loud sounds and violent yelling, this is not what he wanted.

Across the street from him was a little cafe called "Red wing" weird name but okay" America say in his head. It was a small little shop, unnoticeable from a far distance with all these giant bulidings. He ran across the street with car honking and people giving dirty glares, there was no hiring ad on the glass so America worried. This was a perfect job for right now, he opened the glass doors with a bell ringing singling the employees. A woman with brown hair and delicate soft skin smiled and waved, she had his flag on her right cheek. ( humans have countries flags on their cheek to show where there from) America waved back going to the counter resting his arms on them.

"Hi there fellow American" America said, giving a soft smile

The girl formed a shade of red on her cheeks and responded "hello sir, what would you like" She said sweetly

"Well, I actually came here to ask a question" America replied

"And what is your question" she said with a soft tone and smile

"I wanted to there a-a chance I could work here.......maybe" America said, he had a nervous smile glued to hid face

"Oh! Well than your perfect! I need some assistance up here, we've been getting popular lately!" The girl happily said

"Perfect! when can I start?" America questioned

"Tomorrow at 5:30 AM" The girl said smiling

America gave a thumps up, he walked away from the counter and out the door after waving goodbye. Now he just needed home, he walked through the crowded city hoping to find a hotel or an apartment. Searching and searching went on for hours, the sun was now going down turning the sky into a light orange and yellow with red. America finally came across a decent looking hotel, the name was a kinda childish "bust bubbles hotel"

The lobby had a delicate smell, a sweet honey lemon smell, the floor was a soft and fuzzy light brown carpet. There were velvet red sofas on the side of him and brown wood tables and chairs.

"Uh..excuse me sir"

America blinked a few times and shook his head, he looked to the side of him to see a man wearing a suit behind the counter. The man had orange half shaved hair with tan skin.

"Uh s-sorry just uh...lost in thought" America stuttered a reply

"Oh! Well, how can I help you?" The man said sweetly

"I just need one room please" America said walking to the counter

"Okay, one room......that will beee......56$

America sighed, the regret was buliding up. He couldn't do this alone, he handed the money to the man who gave him the room '24'

He made his way to a long and quiet hallway, nothing made a sound but his light footsteps. He passed through the 20's until he made it to '24', he struck the key in and turned it. The door made no sound while opening, the room had one queen size bed with a TV in front. The TV was on top of a counter beside a small fridge, on top of the fridge was a normal size microwave, America sighed. His decision was looking to be a stupid idea, he was alone for God's know how long, he holded tightly to the necklace. The tears swelled in his eyes, he didnt know what to do but to cry. There was a question that stuck in his head.....

Should I go back?........

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