chapter 15. Something to do

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The once bright sky now clouded with  devastation, the gray filled clouds poured with heavy rain. People Rushed down the wet sidewalk, their feet splashing water up and down, little puddles of water reflected the cold figure of the Russian. He tightly closed his eyes cold tears running down his cheeks slowly. He looked up to the sky, did the rain feel the pain too? Do they miss someone? Do they want love too? Russia didnt mind nor care about the cold wet rain and the chilly breeze. The trees danced to the wind, the melody flowed against Russias hair. The rain slid down his grieving face, his heart ache cut the strings to happiness. Changed him. Broke him. Tore him apart. The promise still kept in his wounded heart, his love for the American still flowing.

While the rain poured, the anxiety went down. He let his arms run free with the wind, they dangled from his shoulders as he took low and slow steps. The wonderful drops of rain eased his fears and heart break, the wind still rubbed against his body. The sun no longer shined but instead the moon sparkled with the sweet navy sky. The dark dingy clouds barely noticable with the night sky, his eyes glistened with the bright stars. The rain still heavy but soothing, a few people walked through the night storm but didnt stay long. However, Russia desperately needed this night more then ever, dont you ever need something to calm your fears? Hold back the tears? Fight them for years? Well if you do, then Russia feels the same. The cold had no effect to the Russian. In fact, it felt more of a windy morning then a chilly night.

An hour or so passed, midnight was just seconds away. The beautiful navy sky became a deep, dark and bold blue, stars grew brighter by the darkness that surrounded them. Russia stilled walked the empty streets with dim lantern lights. He was turning back to the one place he could call home, since the others were broken memories. The streets were silent and empty, not a soul walked the earth that night. Russia sighed, he pulled out his phone. "12:12" Russia told himself, his voice was a quiet and cold. Making a mumble leave his body. Russia sighed, he knew that he couldn't be out for long. But why, he had no job,family......America. Russia walked back home, feeling the emptiness overwhelm him.

               THE NEXT MORNING.            

The bright rays of the sun pushed through the windows white curtains. Russia goaned as the sunlight blinded him, he opened his eyes squinting. Russia turned to his side, opening his eyes all the way. Russia groaned once more yawning like a god damn bear!
He lifted his hands to his face rubbing his eyes. After removing his hands from his face, he blinked twice regaining his vision properly. He lifted his self with his arms that stood behind his back, he looked around the room. He sat on his bed shirtless, he sighed. Russia felt the weight on his shoulders push down. He shook his head, losing his negative thoughts, he stood from his bed. Grabbing old clothes that laid crinkled on the floor, he didnt care if it was clean or not. He grabbed the navy blue shirt and pulled it over his head. He wore black Jean's that he had on the night before. He left his room, not bothering to grab his ushanka. He stumbled to his leather back couch, leaning against the wall whenever he lost footing.

He flopped on his couch, letting his back sink into it. He rested his arm on the armrest of the couch, he stared into the distant. Lost into a deep thought.

The sound of his phone ringing echoed through the apartment. Russia sighed with exhaustion. He stood up from the couch, walking towards the kitchen where his phone rested on the table, Russia pulled a chair from the table grabbing the phone. He looked at the contact "Ukraine"
He swiped the green call button and put the phone to his nonexistent ear.

"Hey Russia!!"

"Ukraine.....not so loud"

"Have a hangover?"

"No...just tired"

"Oh....well I wanted to know if you wanted to come over to Canadas"

"Sorry ukraine i-...."

"Russia please......please just once"






"Is today okay?...."

"I guess, Not like I have a job to attend to anyways...."

"Dont you work at that gas station across from the mall"

"I was fired"

"Oh.....sorry about that"

"Its fine, when do I come?"

"Six......if that's okay"

"Thats fine"

"Oh! Russia I have a-"


Russia sighed, he clicked off messenger. He glanced at the time that was set on the corner of his phone, "12:23, shit I slept late" Russia told himself. Russia growled under his breath and threw his phone across his thick brown table. Exhausted, stressed, and unemployed. What next?! Death? Russia sighed sadly, his knew his life was a wreck. Nothing to live for, but he couldnt end it now.

Russia stood up from the chair, making the chair screech from being forcefully pushed. He rubbed his eyes and groaned quietly, he walked towards his room and grabbed his ushanka. He walked back into his living room, the bags under his eyes almost black but barely noticeable with his ushanka on. He let out a long sigh

Tomorrow is gonna be great.........


Do y'all want America to come back, ask right here UwU

I also made this extra long for some of you <3

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