Chapter 30

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It's now the middle of march and nothing had really happened since New Year's. Michelle and Peters relationship is still solid, and they've been learning a ton about each other bodies, much to their enjoyment. They spent most of their time together, except when Michelle was at the Bugle and Peter was out being Spider-Man. The teens were together so much, Betty started saying they were attached at the hip, which they somewhat were.

Today was one of the rare days Michelle and Peter weren't going to be together. Michelle held Decathlon practice right after school. Since they were getting close to the national tournament, this practice was more than 3 hours long, and she forced Peter to stay the whole time. Her teammates understood why they were having such long practices, but none of them really liked it. Michelle didn't care though; they were going to have these long practices rather they like it or not.

"Okay you guys, that's all for today's practice," Michelle said to her cheering teammates. "Don't get so happy, we have another long practice in two days, so see you then." She waved then off and most of the students ran out of the building.

Peter come up to Michelle, kisses her quickly and say, "I'm going to patrol tonight. Hopefully I'll finally find the Green Goblin." During these last few months, Peter was not able to apprehend the Green Goblin, who has been terrorizing the city since December, so Peter's been pretty bothered about that. "I'll text you when I get home."

"Okay, later." Michelle says. He kissed her again, and then leaves.

Betty walked up to her after everyone had already left, "Hey, MJ. You ready to go?" She asked. Michelle and Betty were going to the Bugle tonight to finish up some projects they've been working on.

"Yeah let's go."


When they got to the Bugle, Michelle and Betty went to their respective departments to finish their projects.

When Michelle got to her department which was on the top floor of the building, she ran into her boss Tim.

"Michelle!" He yelled, his blond locs flowing behind him. "Good thing you're here. So, you know what you have to finish for the piece right?"

"Yeah I know. I was planning on finishing it tonight." Michelle informs him.

"Good. good. Well I'm done for the day. When you leave just shut the door tightly, because it's a little loose. See you later Michelle!" Tim says and then he's gone.

Michelle goes to the corner of the office, that is surrounded by windows. Her department is on the top floor so she can see out far into the city. She turns on some music and gets to work.

Michelle is working for a long while when she feels a hand tap her shoulder. "AWW!!" she screamed and jumped away, only to realize it was only Betty.

Betty is doubled over laughing at Michelle. "Oh, oh my god!" she yells. "You should've seen your face!!" Betty is in tears while Michelle scowls at her.

"Not funny Betty." She says and goes back to her work

"Oh, its plenty funny, from my end." Betty barely gets out cause she's laughing so hard.

Michelle just goes back to her work, while Betty begins controlling her breathing. "So, are you done yet?"

"No, but I should be done in about an hour." She tells Betty. "You don't have to wait for me, you can leave."

"Nah its fine, plus I LOVE being up here! Especially at night" Betty says dreamily and starts walking around the office. Michelle looks outside and realized its night out. She texted her mother and said she was going to be a little longer in the office than she thought.

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