Chapter 6

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Jacob and I leave the cafeteria early and I know I have an opportunity to catch up with Sophia before class. With everything that happened during lunch, I didn't get to tell Jacob that Sebastian and I had a conversation which lasted longer than 'hey'. I think he'll be proud and maybe lay off for a little bit as I work through this – and I hate to have to admit him calling me stubborn all those times did have an effect on me.

"What's your hurry? The bell hasn't even rung can't be that excited to get to Physics"

"I want to catch up with someone before class, I'll talk to you later OK?"

"Anything, or anyone, interesting?" the look he gave me was filled with suspicion.

"Not that I want to get into now...I'll fill you in later."

"OK, OK. Tell him I said hi." I ignore him and rush off to class.

I was hoping to catch Sophia before going into the classroom. We didn't sit near one another and we already had assigned partners, so a conversation inside won't work. Thankfully, I am able to catch her before she walks into class.

"Hey Sophia, do you have a minute?"

Sophia turns to her lab partner and says she'll catch up, turning to me with a big smile on her face. She obviously knows what I want to discuss.

"So, I hear you and Sebastian said more than two words to each other today!"

"Yes, and I suspect I have you to thank for, thank you, seriously, for helping to make it happen," I said sincerely, "I know we don't have a lot of time...but how's he doing?"

"You and I haven't talked in a while but just so you know, Sebastian told me everything. He was in a pretty dark place and to help him through it, I kept prodding until he finally told me what happened," she pauses, waiting for any response, I wonder if she expected me to be upset? "I'm not here to judge...I didn't want to get in the middle of it, I just want to be there for him. I hope you understand." I do. I too knew someone in a pretty dark place and although it didn't require much prodding, he told me what happened and it ultimately helped him...I couldn't be happier and I am thankful Sebastian has someone to listen and help him through everything.

"So, he's in a better place then?" I can only assume he is doing better since he actually broke the wall down to talk, even if it was only for a few minutes.

"He's doing really well, Emma. He often jokes you'd be proud of him...he was so in his head at the beginning of the year, he actually focused on schoolwork and is doing really well in his classes." Well, that sounds familiar.

"I'm so glad to hear that...well, he's doing good in school." I don't want to mention I am happy to hear he spoke of me.

Reading between the lines, Sophia responded, "Yeah, he speaks of you often Emma. He misses you a lot. While I'm here to try to help him feel better, there's only so much I can do." I can hear a regretful tone in her voice...I know that tone, it's usually spoken by someone whose feelings are one-sided. "But I'm convinced the two of you will reconnect soon...he knows he's being stubborn and can't keep this up for much longer." Stubborn – I wonder if Sophia is as good at laying that guilt trip as Jacob is with me?

"I think stubbornness is communicable...seems I have a case of it as well, or so I'm reminded on an almost daily basis."

"On that note, I will say, you and Jacob being together stung a little bit in the beginning," I was about to quickly set the record straight but she kept going, "He started shutting down again but then, as quickly as it started, it stopped, and he said he was happy for you and hoped you would find happiness with Jacob."

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