Chapter 8

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Traffic, as always, is horrendous – even on a Saturday. Light conversation and music keeps us busy but Jacob grew impatient and exits the freeway. With some fancy maneuvering, we end up on a canyon road where traffic is light and the scenery is amazing. There's nothing like the freedom of driving around Southern California when you find a nearly empty road. Thankfully Jacob, being the 'responsible adult' at 16, is taking extra precaution on the drive – he seems in his element, like he's been doing this for a while, even making sure to take it easy on the curves so that I'm not uncomfortable. We open the windows and let the wind with a soft hint of salt air fill the car.

"Well, I can definitely tell we're headed away from the can I guess where we're headed?"

"It is pretty obvious. We are on the Pacific Coast Highway after all." With a blunt, matter-of-fact tone, "We're going to Palm Springs!"

I know he's joking. This road runs along some of the most beautiful beaches in California. Plus, Palm Springs isn't exactly a place for teenagers to hang out, definitely more of a 'mature' vibe. "Of course! Because the desert town of Palm Springs is conveniently located at the beach."

"OK, OK," his tone happy and light, "Yes, we're headed to the beach. It was my favorite place to hang out as a kid, things seemed way more simple back then. I figure what better place to go and forget all about this getting older business?"

I hadn't been to the beach in a while so I am excited to go back to a place that was familiar from my childhood as well. "My parents and I spent a lot of time there too. It was an inexpensive and fun place to eat, play games and escape from the heat of the valley. My dad even used to fish off the pier."

"Did you fish too?" Jacob sounds surprised, "I don't picture you as much of an outdoor girl."

"Fishing barely counts as outdoors, but to answer your masked, slightly condescending question – no, I didn't fish. I usually played games with my mom or read a book while my dad fished."

"Wait. You read a book? On a pier? At the beach?"

"Yes. Yes, I did." We both laugh. Neither his reaction or my answer was surprising.

We pull into the parking lot and are immediately met with the familiar sights, sounds and smells of a beachfront boardwalk. Junk food as far as the eye could see (and the nose could smell). People everywhere; exercising, walking their dogs, children running around, lots of families and couples – old and young. It is winter, but this is Southern California and if the sun is shining, people are at the beach. I look around and thankfully didn't stick out like a sore thumb, it was a bit chilly so even though jeans and a sweater aren't exactly beach attire, it is today.

"So? What's first on the non-agenda, agenda?" I ask as I take in everything around me, pointing my head nonchalantly at a nearby booth because the smell is intoxicating and it's the first thing I want to eat.

He spies my not so subtle smile and follows my expectant eyes to the cotton candy booth. "Really? Cotton candy? May I recommend something from a more healthy, balanced diet family first – say, corn dog or foot long perhaps?"

"Jacob, your sarcasm isn't lost on me. We both know that, while corn dogs and foot longs have always been the cornerstone of a 'healthy diet' as you suggest, obviously, cotton candy is an essential part of a balanced diet, so, let's get it!"

Obliging my giddiness, we quickly walk over to the booth. I begin to pull out my wallet but as I look up, the mound of colorful spun sugar on a stick is in Jacob's hand and being handed to me, "Here's your blue and pink ball of sugar, can't wait to see how strung out you'll be once you finish all of this!"

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