Observation Log: Simulation 702 - Revelation

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< Pause Simulation 702>

Observer Note:

Sebastian has feelings for the subject? How did this happen?

In all iterations of the timeline up to now, including my own, Sebastian never revealed any feelings. Ours was a brother/sister dynamic – never romantic. I can't imagine what I'd do if I were placed in this situation, but I have to imagine I'd do exactly the same thing as this subject. Sebastian was my best friend – he was with me through the formative years...there's no way I would risk losing him if a relationship ever failed.

I find myself filled with anxiety. So many questions left to answer, so many possibilities to discover. What will happen with our friendship now? What will happen with the subject's future since Sebastian is no longer in her life? What role, if any, does Jacob Weston play in the remainder of this story?

So much has changed all because of a simple decision to keep Jacob in our group for the Lit project.

< Resume Simulation 702 – Resume Timeline >

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