Chapter 7

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To be fair, YOU brought up your birthday...

Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm expecting anything

And I KNOW you

What's that supposed to mean?

It means even though I only gave you a few days' notice

And you know I don't like gifts...

You probably have some sort of plan

It kind of bothers me that you know me so well...

I've got this covered – just be ready at 2

I'll pick you up

Bring a jacket

I am slightly bummed he already has plans for the day, because even though I hate to admit it, I did make plans. Nothing special, really, just something to hopefully help take his mind off things. Plus, I still wasn't sure if this was a to avoid any confusion, if I took control of the day, there would be little doubt. Now, I'm at mercy of his plans...of which he would share nothing. As much as I know he doesn't like gifts, he should've remembered I'm not a huge fan of surprises, but, it's his day so I'll let this one go.

My parents know something is up – probably because I am running around the house trying to find something to wear. It is a cool day and I have no idea what we are doing so I went with the safest choice – jeans, sweater and boots, not to mention the jacket that I was reminded to bring. By 1:45, I am ready to go and sit on the couch trying to decide if I'd prefer to wait outside to avoid the inevitable embarrassment with my parents.

"So, you have no idea where you're going or what you're doing?"

"No. It's a surprise, apparently."

"But isn't it Jacob's birthday? Why is he surprising you?"

"I don't know, Mom. He's just that kind of guy I guess."

My parents know of Jacob and of course, they know everything that happened between Sebastian and me. They noticed early on that I was struggling at the beginning of the year and they suspected some boy broke my heart. Didn't he though? Or did I break his? Either way, hearts were broken. They love Sebastian and were sad he wasn't around, maybe because I was a sobbing mess for a good portion of the time – thankfully, they were supportive and gave me space. Then, some months later, they must've noticed my mood started to change when Jacob entered my life. They never asked for specifics, but they knew he was there for me and that's all that mattered to them.

"So, we finally get to meet the guy who puts that goofy grin on your face?"

"Dad, really? It's not like that. Plus, I was thinking about going to meet him outside just so he can avoid the spectacle of meeting you."

"What? We're not that embarrassing."

"Sure you aren't."

"Is that what you're wearing? No make-up?"

"Mom, stop. I don't wear make-up and I can barely get my hair right every day so this is what he's going to get. Besides, it's not a date...we're just hanging out."

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