Welcome to Club Killjoy

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You had never been to Club Killjoy before, but you had heard plenty about it. It was a great success since its opening a few years ago, bringing in large crowds of people. There was not only music and dancing, but there was a really nice bar and lounges for relaxing and meeting people. You were interested to see it in person and not through someone else's photos.

You had changed out of your actual work clothes, opting for black jeans and a nice white blouse. Tucked in your purse was a fake ID, which stated your undercover name "Skylar Davis". Your job was highly secure, so even if your real name was uncovered, it would take a great deal of effort to link you back to the Agency. This was just a precaution.

You walked down the city sidewalk toward the club, which didn't appear all too busy since it was still daylight. You approached the black double doors that led into the club, a deep breath being drawn into your nose before you pulled open one of the doors and walked inside.

You couldn't help but stop in your tracks as a glow of deep red fell upon you, an expression of awe crossing your face at the club's interior. The whole place glowed red, the atmosphere nearly overwhelming, but it was impressive. To the right, there was an open, currently empty dance floor with a large stage set up just beyond it. To your left, there was a large lounge with fancy black couches bordering a long bar. Evidently, there was also a VIP lounge tucked away somewhere. The only people you noticed were a bartender and a few older men sitting in the lounge talking over drinks, so you made your way to the bartender.

The bartender looked a few years older than you, his body clad in a black half sleeve button down and black pants. His eyes were drawn down as he carefully cleaned a glass, his face appearing soft despite being concentrated. Only when you approached the bar did he lift his eyes, a friendly smile crossing his lips. "What can I get for you?" He questioned as he set down the glass, his free hand sweeping back through the fluff of brown hair adorning the crown of his head.

"I saw this job ad for a waitress and wanted to see if I could come in and apply?" You explained as you reached into your purse to pull out the folded up advertisement. You placed it on the bar in front of him, letting him glance at it.

"Oh, right. You're taking Dawn's place," he murmured more to himself than to you. He glanced back up at you, letting his eyes do a quick sweep like he was trying to read you. "I'll take you to the boss. Luckily, he happens to actually be in now. I'm Tyler by the way," he introduced himself, offering his hand across the sleek wooden bar.

"Skylar," you pitched him your fake name, giving him a thankful smile as you shook his hand, grateful you had met someone friendly but suspicious if Tyler was involved in any way. You let him lead you to a door near the back corner of the room, which you were stopped at. You were surprised that you were actually being allowed in the back, but, if Gerard was smart, which evidently he was, he wouldn't keep incriminating evidence lying around in his office. He had to be hiding the source of his operations elsewhere, somewhere hidden.

Tyler knocked on the door a few times, announcing his presence. "Mr. Way, I have someone here that wants to apply for the waitress position."

You heard a muffled "come in," from inside the room, prompting Tyler to open the door and step aside, motioning for you to walk inside.

"Good luck," he told you in a tone that was hard for you to decipher.

Deciding to ponder on it later, you walked inside a particularly spacey room. The walls were painted a dark grey color, which would've made the office fairly dark if it wasn't for the bright white glow of the overhead lights that hung from the ceiling. There was a tall wooden bookshelf to your right that was filled to the brim with books, which surprised and delighted you at the same time. Other than that, the only other furniture your eyes swept over was a black loveseat by the back wall of the room, a cushioned chair in front of a wooden desk and then-

"Like what you see?" An unfamiliar yet recognizable voice broke through your thoughts as your eyes reached beyond the desk to the person sitting behind it.

You hadn't heard him speak before, but you knew without even having to look at him that it had to be none other than Gerard Way. You lifted your eyes, feeling almost a sort of hesitation to look into the eyes of the man you had researched for countless days, had seen the aftermath of his destruction and what he was capable of doing to people who crossed him.

Your eyes caught onto his smile first, which came off as bright and amused, followed by his eyes, which were bordering on golden. Maybe they weren't the worst thing to see before you bit the dust.

What? Wait no. You shouldn't think like this! This man was a monster. You took a step towards him, falling into your character, a smile lighting up your face.

"I've never seen an office quite like this," you admitted as you approached his desk, getting a better look at him as he lounged casually in his chair. You could feel something radiating from him, and it made unease rattle up your spine. You were in his territory. He had the power, and he obviously knew that.

Gerard chuckled lightly at your comment, nodding his agreement. "I like things a particular way. If something is going to belong to me, it has to represent me correctly."

You had a feeling he wasn't only talking about his office. Your eyes felt drawn downwards, mindlessly admiring how the black vest over his black button down hugged his body. He had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a red tie adorning his neck and tucked into his vest. You were noticing a running theme of black and red.

"Well, as a waitress in your club, I believe I could represent you perfectly," you commented, words coming out a bit too flirtatiously than you had wanted. Whatever, the Director wanted you to make an impression anyway.

"Oh, is that so? How will you do that, Ms. ... ?"

"Skylar Davis," you introduced yourself, taking a seat in the chair across from his desk at his motion. You had to work your fake charm now, something you had picked up over the years of interacting with suspects and criminals. This guy was smart though. What if he saw right through you?

"You're looking for someone smart, someone that can work with all sorts of people. You want someone that's ... unique, something you've never seen before," you told him, your voice smooth, slow, calculative. You were reading him, and, from the way his eyes locked onto yours, he was reading you too.

"And you're all that and more, Ms. Davis?" Gerard questioned, his forefinger slowly drawing circles onto the surface of his desk.

"I can promise you that, Mr. Way," you responded with the same tone, matching him step for step. For him to let you in, you had to be at his level.

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he leaned back in his chair, one hand pushing back into the alluring mess of black hair he had. He seemed to be pondering, but you had a feeling he was teasing you. "You definitely intrigue me," he admitted, gazing at you with a sort of admiration.

You couldn't tell if it was his charm or he was being serious looking at you like that. It made your cheeks burn a degree, but you didn't dare let your bashfulness show. "But am I what you're looking for?"

After a moment, Gerard stood from his chair and extended his hand out to you across the desk. "You're exactly what I'm looking for. Welcome to Club Killjoy," he told you, his expression warm.

You reached forward, fingertips gliding along his palm before settling in place so that you could shake his hand. It felt like an electric current was traveling through you, nearly making you feel like you were glowing. What was it about this guy? You pushed the intrusive thoughts away, focusing on the job at hand. You were in. Now, there was the matter of making him let you in. Despite his friendly and welcoming attitude, you had a sneaking suspicion this would definitely be the hard part. 

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