Stalking 101

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Your shift finally ended around 2:00 in the morning, your eyes struggling to keep themselves fully open. You were glad you had made it through your first night though, and you could finally go back to your apartment and crash. You were sitting at the bar counting your tips with Jenna, a variety of green bills spread out in front of you.

"Looks like someone was a hit tonight."

You spun around in the bar stool to face Gerard, who had just come into the club. He must have snuck out when you weren't watching, prompting the question of where had he been? You responded with a questioning look, not knowing exactly what he meant.

Gerard nodded his head to the money you were counting out. "You did good tonight. Keep it up," he clarified, a pleased smile crossing his lips.

"Thank you. Are you going home too?" You asked him, noting how everyone was cleaning up and getting ready to close up for tonight. Why did he bother to come back here for closing?

"Got a few last minute things to take care of," Gerard replied, words vague, like most of the ones he spoke.

Maybe you were just tired, but you were almost frustrated at how concealed he kept himself. No wonder there was never any solid evidence against him. The guy gave up nothing. You felt like all of the emotion you received was manufactured. His words almost seemed scripted, practiced. You had to shake him up somehow, but how?

"You always seem so busy," you told him, lightening your words with a soft laugh, playing onto your fake innocence.

"When business calls, I answer," Gerard merely answered, giving you a plastic smile before telling everyone goodnight and heading to his office.

So, that's how the game was going to be played, huh? You could tell his front was much lower when he was around Jenna and Tyler, who had been around much longer. However, around you, a stranger, he wore a full disguise. You were going to have to lower your mask a little to make him do the same. You had to get him alone, somewhere that drew vulnerability from him. Deciding to sleep on the thought, you told Jenna and Tyler goodnight before gathering your things and heading out of Club Killjoy. It was time to return back to Y/N. Skylar needed rest.


In your days as an agent, you had encountered and taken down quite a few stalkers, catching them in the act and exposing them for the disturbing people they were. You never thought you'd sink down to their level and do some stalking yourself, but you supposed that was what recon entailed.

You were sitting in a café down and across the street from Club Killjoy, the entrance just right in your sight from the window you were sitting in front of. It was around noon and you were desperately hoping to catch Gerard leaving at some point if he was even in the club. You really needed to put a tracker on him.

You sipped steadily on your cappuccino, needing the caffeine to keep you going through the day and your shift tonight. You were starting to realize night shift sucked and balancing it with your actual job cut into your sleep heavily. However, the harder you worked, the faster this would be over with. The black doors of the club swinging open caught your attention, making you lean toward the window more to watch a familiar figure walk outside.

There he was in all of his murderous glory. Gerard walked down the sidewalk away from the club, wearing a black trench coat over a white button down and black tie. He still pulled the outfit off as a casual look, like he regularly just woke up in a suit. It was beyond you how he managed to do that. Perhaps it was just a key trait of being a mafia boss.

You quickly stood, pulling a black beanie over your head and grabbing your purse before tossing your coffee cup away and walking out of the café. You studied the habits of stalkers enough to know how far to keep behind him but keep from losing him. You stayed on the opposite side of the street, pulling your black jacket around you tighter to fight the wind and to keep your face hidden more.

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