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A/N: oof sorry for the late update. My life has been turned upside down lately. I'm sure your lives have been too.


You felt like the universe was playing a very cruel joke on you. Two days had passed since you planted the mic in the VIP lounge and guess how many meetings Gerard held in there? Zero. You hadn't even seen Gerard, Frank, or Ray lately. Like at all. The text messages died down, so you figured they were all together at the loft building for some reason. There were around only 48 hours left on the mic, prompting your heart to jolt with anxiousness. You were running out of time.

You grabbed two empty shot glasses off of a vacant table before walking to the bar where Tyler and Jenna were talking. "Hey, guys, will Gerard be around soon? I have a question about my paycheck," you reeled off a shallow lie as you handed Tyler the shot glasses.

"Not for another day or so I think. He's got family visiting this week," Tyler told you, prompting Jenna to nod in response.

That didn't sit well with you. It was cutting your time limit too close. And family? You were aware of a younger brother, but he had never done anything to pop up on the radar for the Agency. He lived out of town and seemingly led a normal life, but why would he come visit now? You faked a smile and nodded, your eyes dropping to the smooth surface of the bar as you quietly thought.

"Hey, you seem tired. Go on home. Ty and I will finish cleaning up," Jenna told you, rubbing your back in a comforting manner.

"You sure?" You asked, feeling guilty about leaving the rest of the work to them.

"We've got it," Tyler assured you, nodding his head to the door with a smile.

"Thanks. Goodnight, guys," you told them, smiling at them gratefully before grabbing your things and heading out. You were really doubting your ability as an agent. Nothing was working out. Maybe the Way family was just too clever to be caught. Or maybe you just weren't good enough.

You randomly felt a tingle in the back of your neck, your hand reaching up to try to rub the unsettling feeling away. You really only felt that feeling when you thought someone was behind you. You stopped in your steps and turned, scanning the area behind you. The sidewalk you were walking down was dimly lit by a few golden streetlights, so you really couldn't see all that much. Nothing caught your eye. You were losing your mind with the lack of sleep you had been experiencing since you took on the club job. You walked on, just wanting to get in your bed and forget about everything for awhile. You were just so tired.

You made sure to lock your door and close your blinds, the action more from habit than anxiety. You were hardly sure what to be anxious about anymore. Gerard was a wild card, and your training hadn't prepared you for someone like him. You could handle everyday criminals and local drug dealers, but a whole mafia family was a little beyond your expertise when it was really just you doing the groundwork.

You'd take it a day at a time. Maybe tomorrow would yield better results.


If only you had been right.

Not even an hour into your shift the next day and you spilled the remains of someone's whiskey all over a table. You hurriedly wiped down the table, jaw clenching in frustration. You felt like you were steadily losing it. What happened to your reflexes and agent skills?

You turned to bring the wet rag to the back when your eyes caught movement from the front of the club. You watched Gerard walk in with another guy that had short dark hair and was wearing a casual black jacket with a graphic shirt underneath. Despite the difference in their clothing, you knew immediately that this had to be the younger brother. What was his name?

Gerard slowly stopped talking to his brother as they headed your way, his eyes meeting yours for a brief, intense moment.

You didn't move your eyes from Gerard, but you could feel his brother's eyes on you as well. You plastered a plastic smile on your face, feeling compelled to duck your head as you walked past them to the bar. Something felt off.

"That's Mikey, Gerard's brother."

You looked up at Josh, who was watching you with a smirk on his face. He seemed to notice your behavior. "Oh, that's nice. I didn't know he had a brother," you played up some light conversation, trying to fight off your worrying thoughts for a moment so that you could think rationally.

The cryptic texts had stopped. There were no phone calls. Frank was really only at the club or Gerard's loft building. Mikey randomly came into town. There were weird attacks and murders around town lately. Something was about to go down. Something big, and you felt like you were a hundred steps behind.

You turned your head to look over your right shoulder, watching Gerard and Mikey walk into Gerard's office. You could only hope they moved whatever conversation they were going to have into the VIP lounge so that you could get some evidence, but something told you that you weren't going to be that lucky. When were you ever?

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