All For Nothing

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A/N: I'm trying so hard not to start another story while doing this one, but it's so hard. In the future, I'd love to take requests for stories and one-shots :)


Friday night finally arrived, and you were ready to execute your plan of tapping Gerard's phone. You had a small earpiece resting in the shell of your ear, transmitting sound from your location to a person on stand-by at the Agency. You fixed your hair down, concealing the black earpiece from sight. You had to get this right, and you absolutely had to be careful. If you were caught, game over.

You entered the club, hearing the local band that was playing tonight doing their soundcheck. After smiling and waving to Josh, you went to work, acting normal and interacting with customers as they steadily filed in. Soon, the club was filled with the heavy thrum of alternative music, multi-color lights flashing from the stage to intermix with the usual red glow. You waited impatiently for Gerard to finally arrive, your nerves worsening as the hours ticked by.

Finally, at 11:00 p.m., Gerard entered the club with Frank at his side, both of them deep in a discussion that halted when they greeted two businessmen in the main lounge. They took a seat next to them, starting up a conversation that you couldn't hear.

It didn't matter. It was showtime. Even though the club was crowded, you had a good cover planned. You steadily inched closer and closer to where they were sitting, further inspecting the situation you had to work with. You spotted Gerard's phone on the arm of the chair he was sitting in. Of course, his phone would be close by while the others' phones were resting on the table that their chairs surrounded. You'd have to be extra careful.

You put your back to them, staying a few feet away as you slipped your hand up beneath your skirt, fingers finding the small pouch that had been sewn into the inside of your skirt, thanks to the Agency. Inside, you felt the folded pair of night vision glasses you had been given. They would come in handy in just a second. You waited a few beats, drawing in your breath, feeling the heavy bumping of the music in your chest.

"Nova," you said clearly, the code word prompting an agent at the Agency to shut off all the power to Club Killjoy for exactly one minute.

You heard the music stop, surprised voices replacing the upbeat song just playing, prompting you to slip on your glasses so that you could see in the darkness. You turned and headed for Gerard, watching a green-lit scene of him and Frank glancing around in confusion. You moved to the couches, carefully stepping around the men they were speaking to, your hand reaching forward toward Gerard's phone.

Suddenly, someone sitting nearby stumbled into the side of Gerard's chair, their arms waving wildly in the dark and knocking Gerard's phone somewhere on the ground. You cursed mentally, frantically glancing around on the floor for his phone, but you couldn't see it! It must've been knocked under one of the chairs. You didn't have time for this. You knew time was running out.

Your eyes shot up, spotting Frank's phone right in front of you on the table. It would have to do. You quickly grabbed it, working open the SIM card holder to replace his old SIM with your special one. Quiet, quick breaths puffed from you as you carefully placed the phone back where it was and hurried away from the table, your hands tugging off the glasses and slipping them back into the pouch under your skirt just as the lights came back on.

"Um, sorry for that! Let's get the music started back up!" Gerard announced to everyone, motioning for the band to start playing again, confusion still clear on his face at what just happened.

You headed for the bar, motioning for Josh to pour you a quick shot. Gerard didn't mind if employees had a drink or two during their shift as long as they could function properly. You just needed something to calm down, trying to convince yourself tapping Frank's phone would be nearly as effective as tapping Gerard's phone. You'd still get any text messages Gerard sent to Frank and could listen in on any calls between them. It would work out.

"Never had a blackout like that before," Josh muttered as he poured you a shot of whiskey, sliding the small glass across the wooden bar to you.

"Yeah, that was weird," you commented casually before tipping back the glass, letting the smooth burn rush down your throat. You winced a little at the burn but reveled in it at the same time. You needed to loosen up a little anyway; this case had you wound so tight lately. If Gerard was a little easier to expose, you could relax a little, but he was a challenge.

You turned your head a little, pitching a brief look over your shoulder toward Gerard's way (ha). To your surprise, you caught his eyes already on you, a small smile crossing his lips once your eyes met. Automatically, you flashed him a bright smile before turning back around, heat teasing at your face. What bad luck you had to have a mafia boss that was undeniably charming.

The rest of your shift went by normally, the blackout long forgotten by everyone as their attention was captured by the band, music pouring from the club until its doors closed. Gerard and Frank had left a few hours before closing, and you were ready to head home and put the SIM card to work.

Once you shut your apartment door, you immediately turned on your phone, pulling up the app the Agency had installed on your phone that allowed you to access the SIM. It would alert you to any text messages or calls that came in through Frank's phone, allowing you to secretly monitor any conversations. Now, all you had to do was wait and hope someone said something that was worth anything to the case. You just hoped this wasn't all for nothing. 

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