Welcome to the Family

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Anxiety filled you as you walked into the Agency's headquarters, your teeth pressing into your bottom lip in a nervous bite. You hoped for the best, but you really didn't have much hope after all that you had discovered about the Agency. You just couldn't believe how potentially money hungry the Agency appeared to be, which left a bad taste in your mouth. You thought that you had been working for an honorable organization, but it was starting to not look that way. You felt used.

Going against your previous plan, you prepared to lie to Director Hawthorne to protect Gerard and the others. If they were right about the Agency, they were the good guys. Your job was to help the good guys and take down the bad guys, which seemed to be the Agency and the Sykes family so far. You needed to redirect your energy.

"May I come in, sir?" You called to Director Hawthorne, who sat at his desk looking through paperwork.

"Come in, agent. You have those audio recordings for me yet?" Director Hawthorne asked, not bothering to look up from his papers.

You shook your head, drawing a deep breath through your nose before speaking. "The audio files corrupted, sir. I lost everything," you lied to his face, a man that you once respected. It made you feel cold all over, but it made you feel worse that he had been lying to you all along evidently. How could he just sit there and lie to your face? You had given up everything for the Agency, had sacrificed so much to be the best agent that you could be.

Director Hawthorne slammed his palm down on the surface of the desk. "What the hell, agent? You think that's acceptable? We needed those files for the investigation!" Director Hawthorne snapped at you, glaring at you as his voice echoed through the office space.

You tilted your head up a little, gritting your teeth as you felt eyes on you from the other agents in the office. They were all being tricked too. They were just pawns in a game that they didn't know even existed. "I'm sorry, sir. I'll try harder next time," you replied, your voice coming out dull and monotone. It was hard to act like everything was normal when your world was falling out from beneath you.

"You better, agent. Your boys are lethal. You know they killed someone last night?" Director Hawthorne told you, prompting your eyes to narrow in confusion.

You had been with the boys last night besides Ray and Mikey, who had taken the night off. You knew that they hadn't been out killing anybody because Gerard and Frank were the main hitmen. Director Hawthorne was lying to your face, which told you everything that you needed to know. He was dirty. "I don't think so. I was around them last night. Is there possibly another group?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest firmly as you tilted your head. You were curious how he was going to answer since you knew that there was another group killing all of these people.

Director Hawthorne held your gaze, his eyes narrowing as he leaned forward in his chair, resting his forearms on the surface of his desk. "There isn't another group besides the Way family. Maybe you should do your job better and actually keep an eye on them. Dismissed," he told you sharply, waving his hand dismissively.

You wanted to say something, anything, but you didn't. Something deep inside of you told you to be quiet, to play this side for now. "My apologies, sir," you merely murmured before turning around and leaving the office, your jaw clenching tightly. You felt sick and angry, nearly overcome with disappointment in your organization, who had lied and used you for their own personal gain. You weren't fighting bad guys. You were helping them.

It didn't take you long to decide what to do next. You walked into Club Killjoy without slowing your stride, not even looking at Tyler and Jenna as you passed them. You didn't even care that you were in your agent clothes with your black blazer and slacks with your white blouse. You looked completely out of place here, but maybe you could use that to your advantage. You entered Gerard's office without even knocking, walking in on him, Frank, Ray, and Mikey surrounding his desk.

As you stopped in front of them, you gazed at them, a shaky breath being drawn in through your nose. They were once your sworn enemy. You had wanted to put them in prison for the rest of their lives. Things were different now. "I want to help you. I want the Sykes family and the Agency taken down," you told them, watching them look between each other. Ray and Mikey looked excited, while Gerard looked intrigued and Frank looked annoyed as you expected.

A small smile gradually crossed Gerard's face as he slowly stood from his desk and made his way over to you, gazing down at you for a moment as he stood close to you. Then, he extended his hand out to you. "Welcome to the family."

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