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A/N: For the chapter "Sabotage," I added an extra part at the end that was supposed to be the next chapter but I accidentally skipped it and posted the chapter after that as "Lucky." Yeah, I'm a wreck, sorry about that. Luckily, it was mostly filler material. Thank you all for reading :)


You silently drifted the tip of your tongue over the split in your lip, a sharp metallic taste flowing over your tastebuds. You had lost count of the hours you had been tied to this wooden chair, your wrists secured behind the back of the chair by rope with another layer of ropes circling your chest and arms tightly. Your legs were also secured to the front legs of the chair, creating a very uncomfortable position for you to sit in, but you weren't too concerned with that right now.

"It's day 2, Y/N. You sure there's nothing you want to admit to?" Gerard asked as he stood in front of you with Frank, Ray, and Mikey in the VIP lounge. He had shut down the club for the past two days to deal with you.

"What's the point? You already act like you know what I should be telling you," you mouthed off to Gerard, finally able to let your true self shine as well. Wasn't that nice that the two of you could actually be genuine to one another?

Frank stepped up to Gerard's side, lowering his voice to speak to him. "Why don't we just kill her?"

"I want to know if she knows about her precious Agency, that's all," Gerard replied, looking at you pointedly.

"Know what about the Agency?" You asked, confused by his wording. You were still wondering how he found out about the Agency.

Gerard stepped close enough to you to tower over you, jaw tightening as he glared down at you. "Don't make this even harder, agent. Tell me your assignment."

The Agency had taught you to die silently. You decided to override the silent part, though. "Fuck off, murderer," you spat in his face, feeling defiance and fear in varying levels.

Gerard shook his head, coming off more annoyed than amused like he was yesterday. He stepped back, nodding to Frank, who had been the one punishing you for not answering their questions.

You braced yourself a little, already suffering from a busted lip and probably a bruised rib cage. "Now you're afraid to get your hands dirty, Way? Huh? You coward!" You growled, trying to incite him. You had spent so much time dancing around him that it felt nearly euphoric to dig your way beneath his perfect skin.

Gerard pushed past Frank to slam his hands down on your wrists, his grip tight as he leaned in close to you. "I'm showing you mercy, agent. I suggest you lose that Agency ego and try to save yourself."

Save yourself? You knew you were going to end up dead in this situation no matter what happened. You held his heavy gaze, tension crackling between the faint space between the two of you. "Monsters can't show mercy," you murmured, wanting his hands off of you. You knew what they had done.

Gerard huffed before walking past Frank, shaking his head in frustration.

Before you could mouth off again, your head snapped to the side from a heavy blow to your cheek, blood welling up in your mouth at the impact. You gasped painfully, hanging your head down to the side, parting your lips to spit out at least some of the blood. Even after all the time at the Agency, you couldn't stand the taste.

"Want to try again?" Frank asked you, shaking his right hand to soothe the ache from hitting you.

Yeah, you hated Frank the most, and you could tell he despised you. You straightened out slowly, tilting your head back to look at him. "I don't know, how's your hand?"

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