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Y/n P.O.V.
When I got to the top of the ladder, Eric grabbed me by my hand and pulled me up. Eric's smile grew as we were face to face.

" hey" he said softly

" hi" I chocked out hoping I wasn't blushing.

"Could you two MOVE! I've got a party to get to." Peter snapped.

Eric and I starting to walk. Where? I'm not sure.
I wanted to to turn around and stick my tongue out at Peter for being an ass but I kept walking.

" So what's going on with Peter and you?"

"Nothing" I said a little to quick

"Ok,So let's get down to what I came here to talk about."

" Ok what is it?"

"So, I know pairing you up with Peter was stupid. I'm sorry about that. I'll make sure you get paired with someone les....."

"You aren't picking favorites, Now are you Eric?" I chuckled out.

" No....I....no."

" Good. Anyways, as much as fighting someone who wouldn't put me in the "hospital" for a few days sounds amazing,I don't want you to make sure I go against people who have no chance. I want to show everyone I belong here. And I'm not only still here because I have history with you.

"....Ok.... if you change your mind.... let me know ok?"

I nodded.

He smiled. " ok. Bye kid"

As he walked away. I turned to head to the pit. I'm all dressed up, I'm not wasting it! As I arrived to the pit. Everyone was  laughing, with beer  in hand.i search the pit for a familiar face.

"Hey! Y/n. Wow you look hot." Will appeared next to me.

"Hey will" I giggled

Will rinks of alcohol.He clearly has a good buzz. He swayed almost losing his balance at one point.

"You ok?" I asked

"Yeah I am. You know y/n, I don't understand why you picked Dauntless. I mean it worked out in my favor but I just.....jusshhhhht don't understand. You had it made."

I crossed my arms to my chest and shifted. Hoping he would see I was uncomfortable. But he kept going on.

"I also don't understand why....why....um...why you never hung out with us  other Eurodite kids? Were we not good enough for you. You know you act like you are soooooo better than us but you... you aren't. Jen......... TRIS!"

He stubbled over to Tris, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
I wiped my hands on my jeans and cleared my throat. I walked more into the pit, stopping at a table filled with beer. Grabbing one and slamming it down and another, another another oh and another . Honestly I stopped counting on the 8th beer. I just wanted everything to go away. My mom, The guilt, What will said, Peter! Just I want it all to drift away. And well it did. By my 3rd beer I was already feeling good. By now I had to be on on my 12 beer. I was feeling.....well .... nothing. I was playing a game called devil dare or was it called daredevil. I'm not sure. Peter showed up some time ago. But he kept his distance. By my turn I was stumbling just like Will was earlier. But I wasn't about to pussy out just because I couldn't walk straight.

"Ok. Who's next? Y/n! Ok so I Dare you to..... Get someone's name tattooed on you."

Everyone booed. It was weak but why not.
Honestly that's when everything went black .
I woke up in my bed with the biggest headache and no memory getting here. I rubbed my eyes trying to remember but that just made my head hurt 10x more.

" WAKE UP! BREAKFAST!"Four's filled the room

I yelped, closing my eyes and holding my head. When I opened my eyes again. I seen it. My first drunk mistake.

"HEY NOSE! Are you getting UP!" Peter  yelled at me

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"HEY NOSE! Are you getting UP!" Peter yelled at me.

Fuck my life.

Peter HayesWhere stories live. Discover now