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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Get up and follow me!" My mother hissed

I stood up and followed her into a random room. She shut the door behide us.

"Why did you do that to me?Im a joke to everyone now! Was i not a good mother? I did the best i could for you! I was the best mother i could be! Then you go behind my back and do that to me! It makes me sick! My own. My blood. Someone i birthed. I carried you 9 full months! Someone who made me lose eveything! You know your father left me because you wouldnt stop crying?The love of my life left because of you! I could have given you up and he would have came back But i didnt. I thought you wouldnt have left me. Now look at you! You left.You selfish BITCH! "

Pain spread across my whole face. The taste of blood filled my mouth. Her ring she was wearing had cut my lip.She shook her head and stepped back.

"Its ok tho. Youll be thrown on your ass soon. Factionless will welcome you as their family."

"Eric said you still loved me....I....Im....."

"I do love you. Eric told me about the fight, well if you want to call it one. I know you wont make it here. I just dont understand why left. You would have done great things at Eurodite" She said sighing

I sat, looking at her. Not sure what to say. I was speechless. Before I could say anything my mother walked out of the room, slamming the door. I began to feel nauseous. Right, how could I forget?My hangover. I waited a few minutes, then I walked out. Hoping my eyes weren't swollen. Walking back to my bed felt like I was walking on glass. When I reached door I heard Max yelling about something. You know if I just go in I wont have to deal with this. As I walked in all eyes were on me.

"And where were you !" Four said huffing

I walked past him and went to stand at the end of my bunk.


I giggled , trying to keep my anger in line.

"WHATS SO FUNNY?!" Max slammed me into the bar on my bed.

"What is Eurodite doing at Dauntless? " I said staring into his eyes.

He blinked and shifted, but not letting go of his grip on me.

"I seen Eurodite, walking the halls like they own it. Jeanine......."

"Stop talking! Did you engaged a conversation with her?" He said lowering his voice.

Despite the meeting with my mother being a surprise , I knew it was odd that she was here with her minions . She's always hated all the factions. She always went on and on how they are all stupid and how Eurodite should be in charge. She would never work with Dauntless. Not even step foot near it. So something must be going on. Its just not in her character.

"NoPe , just seen them. Is that crime?" I said popping the P.

He glared at me and turned his heels and left the room. Four laughed and followed. Everyone was still looking at me.

"Do you have a death wish? Kiddo, Max will have you thrown out on your ass so watch it" Eric said coming up to me.

"I don't care. Ill end up there soon."

Eric raised his eyebrow. Clearly not knowing what my mother had said to me not to long before all of this.

"Are you ok?"

"Im fine."

He sighed and slid his thumb over my cut on my lip.

"Don't give up. You are stronger then you think. Today is a resting day. Take it easy kiddo." He said before walking out.

As I looked around everyone has a very confused. If it was the other way around I would be too.

"Great, She has her Mama here now because she cant do it herself" Christian spoke up.

"I don't have a mother CHRISTIAN! Jeanine was never my mother. Only a leader. Got it! So lay off of me!" I hissed back.

"Yeah right. I grew up in the same faction as you. You were so spoiled. Never had to go school. Got to do whatever you wanted ! Got way with everything! You have remember I know you." Will joined in.

"Ha! Really!? You know me? Really? You know want. Fuck it. Yall think what you want. Being Jeanine's child wasn't as amazing as yall think it is. Just ask my brother."

Before anyone could say anything I walked out of the room. I walked for 10 minutes not sure where to go. Until a little cave looking over the chasm caught my eye. I sat there just listening to the water flow. Until I felt someone sit beside me.

"Yes?" I didn't look over just straight ahead.

"Nothing. I cant just sit here and watch the water?"

My heartbeat picked up. Always seemed to do that when he is near me. Or even hearing his name has this effect on me. The one and only Peter Hayes. 

Part 11 will most likely be posted this weekend and will explain everything

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