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Y/N's P.O.V.

Peter being near me made my mind go to mush. I hate it. I hate the effect he had on me. Once my mother had told me Marcus, from Abnegation made her crazy. I was only 6. I remember her always talking about him. How he made her want to scream. How he could say one little thing and get under her skin. Just like Peter does to me. After that damn kiss, my mind hasn't stop replying it. Making me so conflicted. Do I like him or is just hatred. Hatred just like my mother and Marcus shared. One moment im so sure about it, then im not. I hate it. Hated not knowing my own thoughts. Peter cleared his throat.

"So, Are you ok?"

"Why, do you care?"

"The nice thing to do is reply back."

"What do you know about being nice" I chuckled

"What did your mom said to you?"

I sat there for a second. Remembering what she had said to me.

"Why did you do that to me?Im a joke to everyone now! Was i not a good mother? I did the best i could for you! I was the best mother i could be! Then you go behind my back and do that to me! It makes me sick! My own. My blood. Someone i birthed. I carried you 9 full months! Someone who made me lose eveything! You know your father left me because you wouldnt stop crying?The love of my life left because of you! I could have given you up and he would have came back But i didnt. I thought you wouldnt have left me. Now look at you! You left.You selfish BITCH! "

Tears fell. Dumb tears! I quickly wiped away them hoping Peter didnt see. I felt his hand on my cheek. Sending tingles across my face.

"You don't have to talk."

I shook my head.

"No. Im fine."

"Yeah I may be just a clueless guy. But I  can tell you aren't fine. "

He said scooting closer and putting his arm me. Making my tummy fill with butterflies. He was so warm. His scent oh god his scent. His scent was so calming. He whispered soft calming words into my ear. Sending chills head to toe. It all felt so right.

"Who is your brother?" Peter asked still holding me.

My whole body went stiff. Shit! I forgot i said that.

"No one knows about him." I said moving away from him.

I felt cold and sad again once i left his embress.

"Why is that?"


I looked around. Scared my...... She was around me. She would kill me with her own hands if i told anyone.


"Again you don't have to tell me." He said laying his hand on me. Making me feel safe.

No, I want to tell you."

He shifted leaning to me. Waiting for me to tell him.

" She had given him to the factionless because she had slept with a married man. He was 4 the last time i seen him."

"But why?"

"Um.... She kinda slept with a married man,"

"Oh shit..... But I still don't understand why she threw him to factionless."

" Well one, the MARRIED man wasn't even in our faction. Two it would ruin her image if the word got out. She slept with a married man, who she had a son with. On that he wasn't even part of our faction . Oh god and she hid him for four years. He just stayed in a room and made her daugher take care of him because she had a faction to run, God they would have threw her to factionless faster then you can say Complicated. "

"What was his name?"

"Tyson James Matthew Eaton"

"Eaton? You mean...."

I slapped my hand over his mouth and nodded.

"Yes. That's his father."

The Marcus Eaton, A leader from Abnegation. He had an cheated on his wife with my mother and had a child. Tyson. My sweet Tyson. He got ripped from my hands on my 9th birthday. Never to be seen again.

"Your mother is a bitch."

"Shes not my mother. She was my leader. That's it"

"You are so pretty. Do you know that?"

I blinked. That was random.

"Yeah ok Peter, How much have you drank?"

"No! Im not joking. You are so pretty." He said putting his hand under my chin.

"Thanks Peter. You aren't so bad yourself" I smiled and rolled my eyes

"And your smile, god that smile. It does something to me. I cant explain it."

We were now an inch apart and my whole body was vibrating with excitement. He is about to kiss me. Something ive been wanting since the last time.


Molly. Of course Molly....... Peter and Molly. They are a thing. THEY ARE A THING. Anger bubbled in me. Next thing I knew I pulled away and my hand was flying acrossed Peter's face.

"THE FUCK Y/N?" Peter yelled covering his face.

"You....you almost kissed me."

"Yeah? So?"

"You're dating Molly! you Asshole! As much as I hate her, Im not......JUST NO!" I snapped and stormed out.

Peter was right behind me trying explain himself but thank god Molly caught up to him.God I HATE PETER HAYES! He always makes me look so dumb. This is the last time..... Fuck! He knows every one of dark se....... no don't think like that. I just have to be done with him.....No I AM DONE WITH PETER.

Peter HayesWhere stories live. Discover now