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Y/n P.O.V.  

A week later

Cheers filled the whole room as the 5th daily fight broke out. I flopped down at the table.  This week. Ive just been.....off. I don't understand why. Maybe its what happened with my mom. Or that everyone hates me for some reason...... or maybe. But I really don't think that's it.......I mean right? I don't care that Peter has not even looked at me since that day. I hate him,Why would I care?

"Hey Y/n." Al said cheery 

Al, though all of this has been so sweet to me. Mostly because I listen to him talk about Tris. Poor kid. 

"Hey, Whats up?"

"Do you think Tris is into me? or do you think shes into someone else?"

"Well like I said yesterday. Shes not into you. Do you not see the way she looks at Four? I mean she looks like she wants to take him right there. I don't blame her. Have you......"

"OK. ok. I get it" He let out a soft giggle. 

His eyes said it all. He was hurt. It broke my heart. It was like watching someone kick a child. 

"But who knows. She might just be making you jealous. Girls do that all the time."

"You think so?" His eyes lit up.

"Of course. Al, you are amazing. You are funny, Kind, a little cutie pie, Ect. She would be crazy if she wasn't into you. You are everything a girl could ask for."

He smiled wide and picked up a chicken leg. We both ate in comfortable silence.

"You know her mommy is the only reason she's still here." 

All week. All week they've been saying the same thing. Christian laugh made me jump. She and Will flopped down across from Al and I. 

"Hey Al."They said. 

Christian looked at me and quickly looked away. Anger filled me. I cant help who gave birth to me. I shot up, not  caring that all eyes were on me.  

"Al, Ill  see you later" 

Before he could ask me anything, I stormed out the double doors. Who do they think they are?! Acting like I use Jeanine to make sure I don't end up in factionless! I work my ass off! They told me I was their friend. I never really had any growing up but I highly doubt that's how you treat a friend. 

My mind was racing so fast I never notice that Eric was behind me. Not  until his hand landed on my wrist. 

"Y/n. Ive been calling you for a hot minute. Something on your mind?"

"Sorry. Just....... Am I.... Am I only here because who my mother is? I mean everyone seems to think so." I huffed out.

"You are joking right? This is Dauntless. Not Erudite. Your mother has no power over who stays and who goes. You kick ass kid. Don't let these assholes tell you anything else. Now come with me and get some cake before its all gone." Eric smiled and started the way I just came from.

I smiled and walked behind him. Eric has always had a sweet side to him. I love seeing that side again. The double door shut behind me, Eric nodded to my table. 

"God, Now you are dating Eric?! You just don't stop. Listen not all of us moms run a faction." Tris rolled her eyes.

"Tris! Im just trying to get some cake. Please move."

"Are you going tell your boyfriend if I don't?"

My nails broke skin as I tried not be the 6th fight today.



Al quickly ran over blocking me from her.

"Hey its ok. Its ok." Al quickly walked me to the table. 

Eyes glared at me. Mad that I even thought about hurting TrIS 

"Are you ok?" Al said softly in my ear. 

I looked at the cake, he placed in fount of me. In the corner of my eye I seen him. Peter. My heart started doing flips. Even when I hate him. My heart still races when I see him. I hate it.  Tris sat not to far away from Al and I. I could tell she was wishing death on me. I picked up my fork and picked at the cake.

"Don't listen to them. They are jerks . I may like Tris but that was un called for I mean........"

I turned to face him. He stared at me with worry across his face.

"You ok?"

I looked over my shoulder. Peter quickly looked at his food. I turned to Tris. She was looking at me. Not even trying to hide it. My hand grabbed  Al's side of his face and my lips smashed his. At first he just sat there until he got into it. After a few more seconds I pulled away and smiled. He just blinked. 

"Im fine." 

////// Im sorry it has took me awhile to update. Ive just been going though some stuff. But thank you for reading <3//////

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