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Y/n P.O.V. 

I picked my fork back up and took a bite of my cake. I tried my best not to look at Peter. I could feel him staring at me. My skin burned. Quickly i looked over. His face looked pissed. But his eyes. His eyes said it all. He was hurt....... Or thats me overthinking it. 


Al's voice made me snap back. I turned to him smiling.

"What's up"  

A tray was slammed on the table. Peter rushed out with Molly following not far behind. 

"What...What was that about?" Al blinked. Clearly still in shock.

"Who knows with Peter......"

"No, The kiss. What was......."

"Al, buddy. Don't overthink it. It was just a kiss. I didn't fuck you. Calm down. "


"Hey Al! Are you free later?" Tris said glaring at me.

"No, He's not. We have a date tonight. So run off." I quickly grabbed Al and stood up. 

Al followed behind me without a word until we left the room. 

"Y/n. Whats going on? Tris was talking to me. She wanted to hang out! My chance! Y/n! I love you but.....Tris" 

He said her name so softly. Almost made me feel sad for him. 

"Al. Make her wait......"

"But she might not want me if she thinks we are dating. "

"Please tell  me. When has she asked you to hang out?"

"I.... oh that one time. She needed help training. "

"Was Four there?"

"Yes? Why does.......Oh right." Al looked at his feet.

"We can help each other."

He raised his eyebrow and leaned closer.

"Ok heres the plan."

3 weeks later

I laughed at Al trying to climb a rope. Al and i have been getting alot closer. If you know what i mean. 

"You try it, if you think its so easy missy." Al smiled wide while getting closer.


Before i skipped over Al grabbed my arm pulling me close. 

"11 am is here." 

Peter. My tummy start doing flips and my heart started to race. Damn Peter!

I smiled as i grabbed the rope. As I start to climb, I made the mistake and looked at Al. Just to Al's left side stood Peter. Damn,his good looks. My palms stared to sweat. He was staring at me. I knew it. My mind filled up thoughts of Peter. 

"Is he wanting to see me fall? 

"Does he think about the kiss like I do?"

"I wonder what he looks like nude"

"I want him to bend me over and"  

My hand slipped. I slammed onto the ground. Thank god I was only 5 feet off the floor.  Al ran over helping me up. 

"Are you ok?"

I caught myself staring at Peter as Al helped me walk over to the side of the room. Peter was staring too. I got lost in his perfect eyes. I just wanted to jump him and let him do whatever he wanted to me. Dear lord. What does this boy have over me. 

"Y/n? are you ok. That was a big fall." Peter asked walking over to us 

Al grabbed my waist. Pulling me closer to him. Little does he know Ive been dying to hear Peter to talk to me again. Yes I know what I said. I HaTe PEtEr  HaYeS. iM Over HIm. Well I lied. I want him too much to stay away from him. 

"Im fine."

Al pinched my hip. Making me jump a little. 

"Babe, I won the bet. Now where is my prize." I smiled looking up at Al. 

He smiled and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Later. Peter. So how  are things with Molly?" Al said smiling. 

I rolled my eyes. Im going to kill Al for that.

"We aren't dating. Why?"

" Oh. I just thought.... Nvm. Come y/n."

"No! What do you mean? Why do you think im dating her!"

Peters fist where by his side. I knew a fight was about to break out. Quickly I stepped Infront of the two boys. I was face to face with Peters chest. I put my hand on it push lightly as he gotten closer. 

"I told him. I told yall are dating. I mean that's what everyone is saying. " I rushed out.

Peter look at me. Eyes still filled with anger. 

"I need to talk to you." 

"No. You will not speak to her!" Al snapped

Peter glared at him, but looked at me again.

"I need to talk to you Y/N, Please. Without freak of nature over here."

"I SAID....."

"Ok We can talk." I said cutting off Al

I turned to Al smiling. 

"Ill be back."

I pulled him in for a kiss. I could see he wasn't happy that I was going off myself with  Peter. Knowing my "old feelings" for him. Thank god I haven't told him I realllllllllllllly liked him. He would kill me if he knew that. 

"Hurt her and ill kill you." Al warned 

"Yeah yeah ok bud." Peter rolled his eyes  and turned and started to walk. 

I waved goodbye to Al and followed. This should be interesting. 

Thank all of you for the love for the book. Ill try and keep updating weekly 


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