Chapter 12- Hominum Matintio

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Rayla couldn't stop smiling as she looked down at her reflection in the water. Her eyes were instantly drawn to the badge on her jacket. It was silly, but the simple thing made her smile intensely. She knew it wasn't real, just an illusion; a simple rock Ezran had found and then coated in moon opal dust so it would hold, even when away from Lujanne.

But it still meant so much to her, thinking about the dragon in his illusion cloak, made of the fungus Ellis had been collecting. The stick turned into a sword, touching her shoulders. It was a human action Ezran had told them about, since none of them knew how a Dragon Guard was really appointed. The image would be seared into her memory.


She turned at the voice and nodded at the moon mage, "Lujanne."

"Can I speak with you for a moment?"

The newly appointed guard walked over to her, "What is it?"

"I wanted to tell you about the other night." She looked to the sky, "After we had helped Callum into bed, I sensed something. There was this... bright light across the sky, and these wisps floated down right over the nexus, but mainly over where Callum was sleeping."

"What could it mean?"

"I don't know. But it's something I wanted you to know about," she gave her a smile, "Seeing as you're a Dragon Guard now."

Smiling and touching the badge once more, Rayla nodded, "Well... thank you for letting me know."

"I also wanted to tell you, Callum asked me if I would teach him how to shift. I hope that's alright with you."

"He did mention it. It will delay our departure for a day, but it's something he needs to learn. While you do, I'm going to patrol the area, make sure everything's alright."

"Very well. I will do my best to help him learn," she said, heading back to the main nexus, and searching for the prince. She soon found him sat with Ezran, talking. "Your highness?"

The dragon turned to her and smiled shyly, "J-Just Callum is enough."

"Callum. If you are free, we can go and try to help you shift... if you wish."

Standing, the teen nodded, "Yes, please, I would."

"Then come with me. There is somewhere that will help you channel your powers." She turned and walked down the path, the dragon hurrying to walk at her side.

They walked silently around the ruins that were hidden in the mountain until they came to a long stairway. "You see, Callum, there is Primal Energy everywhere. And while it surrounds us constantly, it may be weaker or stronger at different times and places. The ocean is strongest at high tide, sky is strongest in a storm, and the moon is strongest when it's full."

The prince nodded in understanding, listening carefully as they walked up the stairs. He was slightly surprised when he realised he wasn't out of breath from climbing them. He really was stronger now.

"And there's more. There are six special places where the magic of the Primal Energies are most pure and powerful in this world. Such a place is called a nexus," she explained as they reached the top, looking out over the large lake before them. The water was contained within a basin of rocks while trees grew out from the source. Lujanne held her hand over the edge as she showed him the view, "This is the Moon Nexus."

Looking over, the prince smiled softly. "It's beautiful."

"When the night comes, it reflects the moon perfectly, and when the moon is full, its light completely fills the lake. But it's more than beautiful Callum, it's powerful. Close your eyes and listen."

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